The Real Face of So-called Steemit Mentors on FB - One Group has been Discovered

Hi to all my loyal fellows,

I have to discuss one of the most important topic with all of you that is Paid groups of learning steemit platform on Facebook. This happens not only in Pakistan but I'm sure other countries do the same on the name of giving tips and tricks of steemit platform so that you all can earn good on daily basis.


There are some shameful facts about so called paid steemit secret FB Group which run by some shitty people who don't know anything about steemit except Money Money Money...and Money in the form of SBDs and STEEM.
Disclaimer: I'm not degrading anyone even not pointing out wrong. I just wanted to all stay away from so-called Fake Mentors who are putting you in the wrong directions. Steemit will not welcoming you all if you followed their poor filthy strategies.

How may I know that "Pakistani Bloggers World" FB Group?

I came to know about that group from the admin who was promoting his group somewhere that he is teaching students how they can earn online? I just click on Join and the request has approved in just few hours. I didn't see anything useful there so I stopped to look at that group for few months.

Suddenly, my FB timeline was flooded with some useless stuff including "HOW TO EARN $100 TO $1000 WITHOUT INVESTMENT MONTHLY" in dark blue color post. My mind boggled a bit and tried them what they are gonna teach us. They (admin and moderators) arranged the Zoom Meeting for that purpose. I joined that meeting and came to know about the steemit URL. They taught 100s students about steemit as a beginner level which is really poor communication skill.

Then after first webinar, they starting new session after gaping of few days and I started to join that but I just learned one positive thing that was STEEMIT URL from all other creepy information about steemit. How can they teach anyone even they don't know.

I attended 3 to 4 sessions and don't bother to follow their poor strategies which was blindly posted on daily basis that if you guys followed these tasks then you will all become successful on steemit. Holy Crap!

I know them from the very first day that they don't respect anyone whether a girl or boy. One day, I lest the reaction of laugh on one of his(fake mentor) post then he left the reply on the post by mentioning me that was just ridiculous and disrespectful for my self. How can I bear their shitty language I just damn care those cheapest one around me. This one is the worst experience of my life which I suffered few days then I quit that group immediately cause if I bothered to talk more then maybe I got dirtiness on my self respect.

After that, they are starting steemit paid course and the fee was $50 which is very big amount for newbies who didn't yet started any earning online. They said we have very limited seats i.e. 30 but they are greedy ones so they accepted all 46 members who approached them secretly and paid fee for that useless course. Now they are earning from poor innocent newbies who are unfamiliar with their cheap strategies.

Trust me, if you know the STEEMIT URL then it depends on you how can you earn from it. That paid coerces are just fake and teaching you in the very wrong direction which is not acceptable for steemit. Let's know a bit about the current situation of that group which I came to know from numbers of paid students.

What they teaching to their paid students:

I learned many things which was not good for steemit. I learned wrong direction but I covered myself up in no time to better my profile and position on steemit. Now you can all see my profile and Reputation which can't be earned by any wrong direction. I got high Reputation score from all over that paid course members.

See, what they are teaching and what if I learned that then I disrespect myself and dignity which I owned by birth. Well, here you go,

  • Copy the whole article from some known websites then add source link and don't bother @cheetha bot as he is nonsense. I was laughing 😂
  • On of the group moderator said to my friend @sanach that use someone's girl picture from FB as your DP and add it into your intro post for getting extra fame on steemit. They were thinking all are the steemian has got such filthy minds like them. 😀
  • They said to their boy students that make other 2-3 more steemit profiles of girl name for getting attentions of dolphins, whales, and Ocras.
  • They begged a list of that steemians who are upvoting your comments so that they can distribute that list to all paid group members for their shameless promotion in the eyes of all paid students. That list was taken from my comments section as they kept their creepy greedy eyes on my profile all the time.
  • They are still teaching like this:
    • make 100-200 comment on all new posts who occupied high Reputation Score on daily basis even there is a thing called bandwidth which is a dangerous sign for newbies who needs to kept their eyes on bandwidth. It seems that fake mentors don't know the thing of bandwidth.
    • follow 100 people on steemit. Oh dear so-called mentor, there is a thing which needs to be under consideration that whom we have followed or not it depend on our interest. How can we blindly follow anyone?
  • One of the member has asked, can we get earning if someone gives you upvote on paid out post, then the mentor said, yes why not that earning will be transfer in your balance right after 7 days. LOL, dear, you can't get any penny on paid out post except Reputation score.

Their all students are following their direction and spamming the steemit platform. I just muted them all who are using fake girl name IDs and use plagiarism comments and contents then got downvotes from @steemcleaners and @cheetah. Their admins and moderators all are using girl name IDs on steemit and I know those IDs very well. Even I noticed their students steal the pictures of someone's else from FB and showing that they have got talent to show their skills to the world. It's holy crap!

@ilyastarar has told them about this platform first time and now they are spoiling this network and teaching wrong to all newbies and getting huge money against their fake guidelines.

Why am I against them?

It's simple. They are teaching newbies in a very wrong and cheap direction that is not good for all even after getting payment from them. If they invest something to learn from you then please be kind to them and teach them in the correct way rather than creepy ones. Oh, please keep yourself neat and clean then the money will be after you, trust me.

Keep your intentions to the right direction. Have Fun!! If you are not in favor of me then don't bother to comment here.


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