Faithfulness is a principal requirement for any minister, leader or church worker who desires to enjoy heaven's backing in all his endeavors both now and hereafter.
1 Corinthians 1:9
One revelation we must have as God's servants is the revelation of God's faithfulness... His faithfulness to keep His word, to take care of us, to keep and protect us, to provide for us, to help and to uphold us with His right hand of righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
Faithfulness is the quality of being loyal and true.
Anyone who is faithful is also reliable, trustworthy and dependable according to the Amplified version of the Holy Bible.
1Cor. 1:9 "God is faithful- reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and can be depended on: by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His son, Jesus Christ our Lord."
Are we reliable and trustworthy? Can God trust and depend on us?
This is what He said concerning Abraham in Genesis 18:19
Let's read Daniel 6:3-5; Daniel had an excellent spirit because he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. "For as much as he was faithful" What a wonderful testimony!
Let's quickly consider the acronym of the word 'FAITHFUL' to drive home our message.
What is God saying to us or what does He have in mind when commands us to be faithful?

  1. F= Fear of God .Walk in the fear of God. Reverence God.
    Who is a faithful minister, church leader or worker?
    He/she is One walks in the fear of God. He/she has the fear of God in him/her.
    Ecclesiastes 12:13
    ....The primary duty of man is to fear God. This type of fear is not in the sense of fright, but of reverence.
    We must get to know God, personally, not just as a consuming fire, but as a loving father, whose love for us is beyond comprehension.
    Proverbs 1:7
    Fear of the Lord is an OT expression, meaning reverential trust, including hatred of evil.
    You will agree with me that the fear of God is gradually departing or have even departed from our lives and churches which ought not to be.
    Hear what Nehemiah said in Neh. 5:15...
    Most Present or modern day believers and ministers don't fear God.
    Jeremiah 12:10
    May we never allow anything or anyone to remove the fear of God from our lives.

  2. A= Availability in God's service... Be available
    ...Faithful people are those who are available in or for God's service.
    2 Timothy 2:20-21
    We make ourselves available in or for God's service by purging or cleansing ourselves from things that are dishonorable.
    faihful.jpg2 Corinthians 7:1
    When we allow ourselves to experience brokenness, it is an indication that we are making ourselves available for God's service.
    Absolute surrender is one of the definitions of brokenness.
    When we have not absolutely surrendered our lives or hearts to God we are in a way telling Him that we are present but never available.

Let me explain what I mean by absolute surrender in six ways or areas...
a.Willingness to function within the area where God has called you. You will appreciate your uniqueness and function within the area God has called you and not trying to be like someone else.
b. Willingness to fulfill God's purpose in your life. 2Cor 5:15 Hebrews 10:7
c. Willingness to fulfill God's design in your marriage, family and church.
d. Willingness to submit to the authority God has placed over you.
e. Yielding yourself to the will and control of God. Acts 20:24
f. Dying to your opinion, preference, taste, will, world, approval of man and to self. 1 Corinthians 15:31
"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." ( 1Cor 4:2 )
Faithfulness is a principal requirement for any minister, leader or church worker who desires to enjoy heaven's backing in all his endeavors.

  1. I= Integrity. Be a man or woman of integrity
    Faithful men and women are people of integrity.
    Proverbs 20:6
    Integrity is a way of life- a life that is committed to truthfulness. It affects all that one is and does. It is one of the most important pillars of Christianity.
    Ephesians 4:1; Philippians 1:27
    Integrity means that what you believe and say is exactly what you do.... What you say is what you truly are.
    -Integrity is been authentic- real to the inside, genuine, pure and solid gold.
    -It is not being dubious, no double dealing, no magu- magu.
  • It is keeping our words regardless of the odds against us.
    Psalms 15:4b
    "He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not."
  • It is impeccable honesty.
  • It is being trustworthy.
  • It is paying your debts and keeping your promises.
  • It is being true to your friends.
  • It is standing on your values without compromise.
  • It is being honest even in small things.
  • It is refusing to be bought, bribed or sold.
  • It is humility even in the midst of great success.
  • It is unmasking yourself and becoming more open and available.
  • It is discovering your weakness and working on them.
    Integrity is not inherited but it is a quality of life that can be developed to whatever measure we want. The Lord has called each one of us to portray this quality in all aspects of our lives. It is not an option but a must for every believer and minister of the gospel.
  1. T= Teachableness
    Be teachable
    Capable of being instructed or being taught, Apt and willing to learn (Ready& willing) Open to instruction.
    Teachable people are those who are willing and eager to learn. 2 Timothy 2:2
    Those who are teachable are also reachable. That means those who are not teachable are also not reachable.
    5.H= Humility. Be humble
    1 Peter 5:6; James 4:6
    When the grace of God is actively at work in your life, it will free you from a life of arrogance and pride, which is the opposite of humility.
    Many things can trigger pride, such as career or business success, intellectual prowess, numerical strength of your church, family background, social standing, your achievements in life, Musical instruments, church building,etc.
    You cannot enjoy God's grace, if there is pride in whatever form in your life. The proud will always miss out on the grace of God.
    Remember Lucifer.... He was created an object of beauty, but he became proud of that same beauty and that brought about his eternal destruction. Pride kills.
    Remember Herod... Nebuchadnezzar...
    1 Corinthians 4:7
    Always remember this: Whatever you may have, whoever you may be, you have received all from God.
    Genesis 41:15-16
    Beware of pride because the proud always miss out on God's grace.
    Be humble ……
  • in accepting God's will
  • In submitting to spiritual authority.
  • In giving up your will 2Cor. 5:15
  • In accepting correction
  • Doing the wishes of your master in the way he wants it.
    Corinthians 3:5-6
    Some of us are of little use to God because we know too much.
    Paul speaks of people in the Corinthian church who are puffed up... 1 Cor. 4:18
    These people were oversized and needed to decrease or be deflated.... Many people are trying to be something they are not because of pride.
    Pride generally takes one of five forms...
    a. Pride of face... How much better I look than those around me.
    b. Pride of place... Don't ask that of me in my position.
    c. Pride of race... I come from an excellent family and must uphold the family honor at all cost.
    d. Pride of pace.... Everyone should be able to see that we are the most capable and efficient person available. No one else could keep up with me.
    e. Pride of grace... Look at my spiritual accomplishments, how humble I am, the lengths of my fasts, my visions and revelations, the gifts I possess... I must be a special favorite with God.
    Luke 14:11; James 4:6
    When God says be faithful.. He is simply telling us to be humble.
  1. F= Full of faith in God Almighty. Be full of faith in me... Have faith in me.Trust and depend me or on my word that never fails.
    He is never moved by situations or circumstances.... He is fully convinced that the Lord will make a way for him regardless of the prevailing circumstances.
    Remember the case of Joshua and Caleb.
    You are never moved by what you see or hear.
    God said it, I believe it and that settles it.

  2. U= Under Authority
    Matthew 8:8-9
    He is a man/woman who has understanding of spiritual authority and God's ways of operation in the kingdom. You should not walk in rebellion. Recognize your master and submit to his leadership. Don't live an independent life. Learn to honour those above you in the Lord.

  3. L= Loyal or law abiding
    He is loyal, law abiding and walks in love.
    As stewards in God's vineyard, may we be found faithful in Jesus name.

What is faithfulness?
 Faithfulness is the quality of being loyal and true.
Anyone who is faithful is also reliable, trustworthy and dependable according to the Amplified version of the Holy Bible.
1Cor. 1:9a "God is faithful- reliable,trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and can be depended on:..."
 Is the quality of being the same despite your success, breakthrough, failure or problems. Colossians 4:12
 Is refusing to quit even when the battle is fierce and quitting appears to be the only available option. 1 Cor. 15:58
 Is being consistent in God's service or in your life assignment even after your breakthru has come. Philippians 3:14
 Is maintaining your daily quiet time with the Lord despite your busy schedule. Mark 1:35
 Is saying no to sin whether someone is there or not. Daniel 1:8
 Is completing your assignment or that project regardless of how you are feeling. Luke 9:62
 Is refusing to be dominated by your flesh. Romans 8:8
 Is refusing to lower the standard of the word of God no matter what happens. Jude 1:3
 Is courage to say no to evil even in the face of danger. Revelation 2:10
 Is commitment to fulfilling the four- fold purpose of the church.
-Ministry to God,
-ministry to the body.
-ministry to the unsaved.
-Ministry against Satan's kingdom.
 Is consistency in tithe paying, offerings and the making of kingdom investments.
 Is consistency in the word of God. John 8:31
 Is persevering to the end. Matthew 24:12-13
 Means not betraying your leader or master 2 Kings 5:25-27
 Is commitment to doing God's will at all costs and in all conditions. Jn 4:24
 Following the footsteps of the master (Jesus) consistently. 1 Peter 2:21

  • Fellowship with the master.
    -Life of dependence
  • Doing good.
  • Commitment to doing the father's will
    -life of prayer etc
     Holding the things of the world with a loose hand. Philippians 3:7
     Faithfulness is always remaining little regardless of your lifting and promotion in life. 1 Samuel 15:17-19

Obey God and remain small in your own eyes (Secret of a life of contentment)
1 Samuel 15:17-1

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