Worrying So Much


For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. -Isaiah 55:8-9

I have this one friend who worries a lot. From the smallest detail of life up to the biggest dilemma one could have. Every day, I would see her with a heavy heart and aura. Imagine early in the morning hearing her “kapuya oie”, it is a Cebuano phrase that means “I’m so tired.” How can she be tired early in the morning when the day has not yet started? Sometimes I do not want to be close with her with the fear of acquiring her negativity, but as I try to understand her, I realized that I am most of the time facing a mirror. Just like her, I also worry of the things that might happen the next day, week, month or year. That question of “what if” could be the most haunting question one can ask one’s self. But a small still voice keeps reminding me not to worry.

To say not to worry is easier said than done. Life can offer a lot of reasonable things to feel that way. Taking an examination for a college admission, joining a national competition or thinking what to wear the next day are example situations of why people are anxious of tomorrow. You worry when you are not in control of the situations happening in your life. You forget that there is that someone who is wiser than all of us. His name is Jesus. He has given his very own life for our eternity. How much more our daily concerns in life?

Yes, God has given his everything for us because he loves us so much. He owns everything which makes him in control from the rotation of the Earth to its revolution to the Sun; from the low and high tides; the migratory birds and whales; the winter, spring, summer and fall; they are all under his supervision. He knows every detail of it. I believe God is holding the whole earth, how much more my life? Having this truth gives my heart peace. As I trust him, I can face tomorrows with a big grin on my face.

So I hope, the next time you face another what-will-tomorrow-bring-moment, you will remember to cast your cares in Jesus.

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