Why do we belive in god


God is one, logically there should be only one religion. Or, because God created man in his own image, did he need to involve us in religions, some of which are still not easy to understand. Many say to themselves, if it is not a blasphemy for the guardians of the temple, if God could not or did not want, it is according to, to create the perfect man. In many cases, religions were and still are a source of conflict. Because religious precepts differ from one religion to another. By the way, why is the man reacting badly? Is he aware of this or does he do it because his faculties of discernment are limited, because he was conceived and born with his weaknesses?There is Evil and Good, disease and its opposite. All these contrasts are the work of God. Inevitably, they would find takers, otherwise why their existence. If the world was perfect, would we know Evil? The Devil, who is also a creature of God, would not exist, therefore, would not tempt anyone. How to explain the fact that one person believes in God, while another does not. Are we or do we become atheists because we want to be, or following a process of reasoning, questioning, questioning, experiences... Is it the man who rejects the faith or is it this one who leaves him to become an atheist.

Understand the psychology of the believer three key ideas guide of the analysis of William James dans The Variety of Religious Experience*

Religion is above all an experience and not a dogma. Churches tend to “routinize” religious beliefs through highly codified forms of expression: catechism, dogma, rites. Now, according to W. James, the essence of religion lies first and foremost in the expression of personal fervor. This is why he will be particularly interested in converts, mystics, ascetics, ecstatics, and other "born again" who express an ardent and spontaneous faith. These believers do not adhere to religion out of simple conformity, they have experienced true inner enlightenment. Part of the book relates testimonies of converts.

These religious experiences are multiple. For some, religious fervor brings moral comfort, for others, it corresponds to a mystical experience, still others find in it models of conduct through the lives of the saints, for some finally, religion constitutes a real therapy. . Personal challenges are different from one individual to another, so are the solutions. Hence the variety of religious experiences and the diversity of cults which are marked by the diversity of religions and sects.

Religious beliefs should not be opposed to science. Reducing them to illusions or superstitions does not allow us to understand what role is devolved to them by believers. Religious beliefs are not situated in the register of true or false: they are first and foremost useful, accompanying believers and helping them to overcome the trials of life.

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