GOOD FRIDAY : The miracle in my life

Four years had passed. I can still remember when I asked God four years ago.

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​November 2013. I can’t remember exactly when but the picture of my fear and agony was so clear to me, even until now. It seems that everything just happened yesterday. It’s an hour of darkness. We were about to go to school in that morning. I was cooking, my brothers were grooming themselves, my aunts and uncles were doing their routines and granny was left in the room, sleeping. It was a bright morning for all of us until suddenly as my Uncle approached the room to watch TV with granny, she began to become rigid and we could hardly wake her up. I was alarmed and called Uncle Dieg calmly to rescue granny. Everyone in the house was distressed that even the neighbours helped us. Uncle Dieg asked for hot water for TSB (Tepid Sponge Bath) yet we didn’t have one. My brother and I rushed to our Auntie’s house but found nothing too. With the generosity of the neighbors, they gave theirs. Back at home, I already touched granny and telling her to wake up but with no avail. I grabbed her feet and there I cried out with God, Mama Mary and all the angels and saints, “Please not yet!” It was then that if only I can grab Jesus from Heaven to hear my pleas, I would. ​I was asked to get a sublingual drug but it seemed that I could hardly move. My hands were shaking that I could not even open the bag. Finally, my brother was the one who got it. I was asked again for a needle to prick the drug and yet I could not make up my mind where to find it. ​She was asleep for around an hour and for me it was the longest hour. Finally God answered my prayers. She woke up but a lot restless. I didn’t mind anything. For me the most important thing was she was back.

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​When she got to her nerves, my aunts and uncles compelled us to go to school even though we were an hour late. The day rolled again normally. The sun shone, the flowers bloomed, the trees danced with the wind.
​Evening came in. I was with my workmates at a waffle house after office until suddenly I received a message from my brother saying that we have to go home because granny was hooked with an IVF. As a nurse, I knew that it wasn’t bad for my granny to have such. It was good to replenish her lost energy. On the other hand, a grandson, I was battling against my thoughts and emotions. Again, I felt worried. As the wheels continued to roll over, my heart was also beating harder and faster. My eyes were about to shed tears. I didn’t know what to do. I felt that I lost myself too. ​When we got home, I saw granny, lying and was tended by my cousins. They then reported to me how her head ached and how she vomited when we were not around. I was asked to buy pain relievers for her thus I told Papa to take me to the town to buy for the drug. When we were there, Papa was offering me something to eat but I told him that I was full though I haven’t eaten any. I also stayed at the tricycle and just asked him to buy the drugs himself. He agreed. I waited for him at the tricycle with my mind flying incessantly with a lot of negative thoughts. I prayed a lot. It was then that I called my God to save my granny’s life and save me from my pessimism.
​At home, I drove Uncle to confine granny in a hospital. I knew how much he was worried for his mother. After a couple of minutes, he called up his siblings and finally they decided to take granny in one of the finest hospitals in the province. Never mind the cost, the important thing was to rescue granny.
​My brothers, aunt and uncles went with her. I just packed her stuffs but I didn’t go with them. I refused because I feared. I didn’t want to see my granny suffer. That was it. Maybe others may not understand that. I had a constant communication with them upon travel, arrival, laboratory testing up to her admission in the ICU. Like them, I didn’t sleep because I couldn’t. It just pained me every time they called me up to saying she was unconscious and restless, sedated, less chance of survival, etc. It was as if they were implying that only a MIRACLE could patch things up.



GOD is really good then. My granny until today is continuing to live her life with the guidance and protection of our Lord , Almighty. I am living proof that miracles do happen and prayers are answered. Miracle happens everyday. Prayer is the best armor among everything. I’m telling you. Just keep the faith and let God will do the rest.

Our faith in God intensifies when we invite Jesus into our lives. In accepting that God’s ways are far better than our own, we can release that which we cannot manipulate or guarantee -- our future. Choosing to release control to the only One who is the Way, Truth, and Life gives us peace and security.


Thank you for reading my post!🙂

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