My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Hearing God should be a major topic for any Christian with heaven as the main focus. The only one who knows the way is the one who came down, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But how can we be led by him unless we know him and know his voice.
Every successful character in the bible from Abraham in Genesis to John the beloved in revelations, responded to clear instructions and made success. How can you love Him if you don't know Him and how can you follow His instructions if you can't hear His voice?
Jesus seems to be saying in the scripture above, that the main characteristic of a true sheep in his flock is good hearing. Events happen regularly so there is the need for regular instructions. If you have to see a prophet for all divine instructions, your life will always need repairs.
Learn to hear the voice of your shepherd from the pages of the scripture, learn too to communicate regularly with the Spirit within. To hear, should be a major desire. Let it be the theme of bible studies, let it be the topic of discussions because hearing his voice clearly will silence the wolves.
He wants your full attention, so separate your self, switch off your phones for a while and listen. When your heart is still, you will hear His voice. Oh what a joy.

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