The Great Revelation: Unfolding Eternity Today (1) (Original Work)

Good Morning Sunday...
FATHER thank You for this NEW DAY. We ask that you cover us with YOUR MIGHTY HAND. Let us understand YOUR MIGHTY WILL so that we may see YOUR INFINITE GLORY. We ask this in YOUR PERFECT SON YESHUA, JESUS CHRIST's NAME, Amen.

  • The Great Revelation: Unfolding Eternity Today (1)

The Roman Emperor was convinced, certainly With The Will of God Almighty's Help, that The Apostle John could be silenced for spreading The Gospel if he were sent to an "island of exile." God Our Father Wasn't Going To Let That Happen. John would not be defeated. He was sent far away from human fellowship, but just like us, no one could separate him from Yeshua, Jesus Christ Our King....

A copy of this devotion, pictures with verses, and other encouragement for sharing, is available at:

Thank You and Yahweh Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, God Our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, Bless You!

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