What Is Your Faith Based On?

      Your faith cannot be founded on tradition. Tradition will not sustain your faith in difficult times. The traditions of your family or community will not keep your faith stable.

Your faith cannot be founded on the wisdom of man. What seems impossible in the natural is possible for God. When doctors diagnose something, the Word of God says that by His wounds we are healed. So we should not base our faith on our natural wisdom. We must keep our eyes fixed on God, on His Word and on His promises ...

"He who supplies the Spirit to you, and works wonders among you, does it by the works of the law, or by hearing with faith?" -Galatians 3: 5

Your faith cannot be founded on religion. Religion will not support your faith. But having a relationship with Jesus does.

Why do people abandon church and faith?

Because many people have founded their faith on other things and not on Jesus. When your faith is not established in the right, your faith can easily be shaken.

If you don't have Jesus as your foundation, the devil will attack your faith. Your faith must be founded on Jesus before anything t6re7z.pngelse. Outside of Jesus, there is no faith. Jesus is the substance of faith.

He is the highest expression of God revealed to us. When your faith is founded on Jesus, you will have access to the supernatural kingdom. Faith will allow you to see things that seem impossible in the natural but with God are possible.t6re7z.png

"Rather, as it is written: Things that the eye did not see, nor the ear did he hear, They have not risen in the heart of man, They are the ones that God has prepared for those who love him ”-1 Corinthians 2: 9

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