The story of Java in Indonesia is: Colon Charcoal and White Weling Keris

my steemit friends tell me a fairytale story that there is indonesian in bawan please read my friend.

The King Erlangga confused, since he was walking back and forth in his office. Patih Narottama, who stood nearby, also looked confused. Kahuripan Kingdom is currently attacked by a strange disease, the disease is a lot of casualties both from the general public and family officials and the royal family. Apparently, the disease was spread by a woman of a very cruel magic and magic.

His name is Fiber Asih, but he is better known as Colon Arang. He lives in Girah Village. Fearing that the disease would widen, King Erlangga sent Patih Narottama to capture Colon Arang. Upon receiving the order, Patih Narottama gathered his chosen soldiers. "O my soldiers, let's go to Girah Village to arrest the witch lady," commanded Patih Narottama.

They then embarked on a journey to Girah Village, to Colon Arang's residence. Colon Arang was surprised to see the arrival of the royal soldiers. He quickly assembled his four best students named Supala, Guritna, Datyeng, and Pitrah to fight them. Fierce battles were inevitable. Colon Charcoal in front of itself with Patih Narottama.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ... old man like you where to beat me," Colon Charco scoffed. The heart of Patih Narottama hot to hear the mockery. He immediately drew his sword and cut Colon Charco's neck to break. But a strange thing happened! Whenever Colon Charcoal's head broke off with the blow of the sword of Narhatama's Patih, the head was easily reunited to his body.

Candidate Charcoals continue to laugh mockingly, the longer the laughter gets more and more terrible. Patih Narottama withdrew his troops. He realized, they can not beat Colon Charcoon right then and there. He also faces King Erlangga and tells what happened. "Hmm ... Surely he has a secret.

No impossible he can not be defeated, but we must know what the secret of his supernatural," murmured King Erlangga. "Maybe we should ask Empu Bharada's opinion, he is Colon Arang's brother-in-law, maybe he knows what we should do," said Patih Narottama. Empu Bharada was summoned to the palace. After King Erlangga and Patih Narottama told of the problems they faced, he thought aloud.

"Well, sir, I will find a way out, hopefully this time we will defeat him," said the Bharada master. Bharada's master returned to his home and called his pupil named Bahula. "Bahula, my lord asked me to find out Colon Arang's secret, so I need your help," he told Bahula. "If this is for the benefit of the people, I am willing to help the Master."

answered Bahula. Empu Bharada asked Bahula to marry Colon Arang's daughter Ratna Manggali. "If you marry him, you will be easy to carry out this task, I know all the secrets of Colon Arang are in his innocent book, find the book and give it to me," explained Empu Bharada. Initially Bahula seemed doubtful, he thought of his lover Wedawati, who is none other than the daughter of Empu Bharada.

Empu Bharada knows Baheda's outrage. "Do not worry, Wedawati will not know, I'm asking you to do this for the safety of our people," Empu Bharada said firmly. Bahula nodded in agreement.

Bahula immediately traveled to Girah Village. There, he immediately searched Colon Arang's house and declared his intention to marry Ratna Manggali. Seeing his handsome Bahula look and his polite manner, Colon Arang also accepted his proposal.

He wants to make a lively wedding party for Ratna Manggali and Bahula. After the official husband and wife, the newlyweds live in the house of his father-in-law. One night, Bahula carried out his duties. When he was sure that he was safe, he crept into the Chamber of Charcoons' room. Upon opening the closet, his eyes were fixed on a brown wooden box. "He must have his book here," he whispered to himself.

Bahula immediately took the wooden box and left the house. He scans in the darkness of the night, toward the house of the Bharada Empu, his teacher. The next day, Colon Arang was surprised to see his wooden box disappear. He was looking for Bahula, but he could not find it. He was prejudiced, surely Bahula who stole the wooden box. Meanwhile, Bahula has handed the wooden box to Empu Bharada. Empu Bharada immediately opened it and looked for the book of heirloom.

"Ah, here it is.All the secrets of Colon Arang's magic power must be in this book," Empu Bharada shouted delightedly. He immediately studied the contents of the book carefully. The Bahâba waits patiently.

"Bahula, according to this book, Candidate Charcoal can only be defeated by White Weling Keris," said Empu Bharada. "Is not the kris belonging to the master himself?" asked Bahula confused. Empu Bharada replied, "Yes, you're right, so I can kill the Candidate Charcoat easily, the Bharada Empress takes the White Weling kris, and prepares for a trip to Girah Village, Bahula follow loyal followers there, Candidate Charcoal rupanga has waiting for Bahula.

"Bahula, immediately return the book of my stolen share! How dare you deceive me and my daughter, feel my vengeance! "Colon Arang said as he attacked Bahula, Bahula dodged, Empu Bharada immediately confronted Colon Arang's steps.

" Kong Ayu, you have troubled all the people of Kahuripan. The king has ordered us to kill you so that your magic will disappear forever, "said the Bharada master." Ha ... ha ... are you going to fight your own brother-in-law? Please let me if you can, "Colon Charcoal replied, quickly attacking the Empu Bharada, but Empu Bharada no less sprightly, White Weling kris pulled from his waist to fend off Colon Arang's magic attack Colon Arang was surprised to see the dagger. you kill me with that dagger, "he shouted in pity." Kong Ayu, I'm sorry. I have to kill you, otherwise the people will suffer more, "replied the Bharada Empress as she thrust the kris into Colon Arang's body Colon Arang died instantly, and all diseases that attacked the people of Kahuripan Kingdom disappeared. safe sentosa.

hope you like the story fairy tales please criticize if there is something wrong.

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