We Nature Spirts/Elementals ,Fairies & Elves Are Real!


ive actually visually seen fairies btw
we can instantly heal plants into perfect condition and affect growth rates n other fun stuffs

You dont have 2 believe me im not saying this so you "will believe me" i dont care about that.

You have 2 open your heart to other possiblites and realities if we want to experiance them.

I never heard there telepathic messages until i started beleving in them.
I love them they very nice to me when i was in a very dark reality i was creating for myself.
Full of dispair and hopelessness. I created myself to die physically one paritcular week.

I feel like i contracted a vampiric energy draining spirt aspect of myself to drain my life force.
As i felt it was the only escape from this piece of shit reality full of fun and hopelness i was unknoningly creating at that time.
Course when you realise your creating everything your experiance because we are literally god/goddesses! And everything u will ever imagine!

That can allow u to experiance anything u choose by being positive to others the universe or your higher self or whatever will give you rewards as your then allowed to experiance more poisitve realities. By simply being the thing you say you supposedly want. Threw love not buy forcing it on others!

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