I Tried To Make a WWM Video

...and technology laughed at me. I'm 0 for 2 on the video front today. Sigh. I did get a few pictures, though!

walk to sprouts 3.jpg

Let's see, what did I talk about. Summer is making a comeback this week because it's in the 90s again (fahrenheit). It was eerily quiet on my walk. There was a dead crow under a tree at my apartment building and a dead squirrel under a tree near Colfax. I have to figure out what spirit is saying there...

Walk to sprouts 1.jpg

I successfully got my ginger ale and yogurt and pasta. I live on ginger ale and protein shakes, and pasta is cheap and filling. Grocery shopping when you're allergic to the world but also hypoglycemic but also have IBS but also don't earn enough to live on FTW.

walk to sprouts 2.jpg

Looking at the video I tried to take and upload, I realized how horrific my teeth look to other people. Like, I knew they looked horrific, but you don't stare in the mirror all day watching yourself talk. I should wear a mask like the bad guy in the third Batman movie I never saw.

No one will know I'm a freak show if I wear this!

Yeah, it's probably a good thing I'm a hermit and used to only talking to cats.

Be good, Steemit.


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