So far there have been 10 thousand million people born on earth Original

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Friends, all of us are residents of this earth and we call it Earth Mother. There is so much secret in the earth itself, about which we may never know. Yet here we are telling you about some interesting facts related to the Earth:

  1. There is so much microorganism in a spoon soil on the ground that there is not even a human on earth.

  2. This is the only planet, whose name is not named after any Devi or God. All other planets have been named after Roman or Greek goddesses.

  3. The name of the earth is given on the basis of the meaning of English, which means that the ground is ground.

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  1. Even if 70 percent of the Earth's oceans, but we have yet to explore only 5 percent of the oceans.

  2. Most people believe that the highest point in Earth is Mount Everest, but the highest elevation point from the middle point of the Earth is Mount Kimrazzo. Since the Earth is not completely round, its highest point will be considered from its middle point. Mount Everest's height is 6382.3 km, while Mount Kimrazzo's height is 6384.4 km.

  3. According to the scientists estimates, so far 100 billion to 115 billion people on earth, more than 10 thousand crore people have been born.

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  1. Even though the biggest creature on earth is dinosaur, which weighed 73 tons, but a bigger creature is actually a blue whale, which weighs more than 180 tons of dinosaurs.

  2. The temperature of the inner part of the Earth is 6000 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of the sun is 5000 degrees Celsius. Sun is 13 million times bigger than Earth.

  3. There is a 24 hour day on the earth, but it takes 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds to complete the orbit of the sun.

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