10 facts of the king of the universe

           10 facts of the king of the universe

More than 800 billion neutrons left by the sun will have passed through your body until you have read this sentence.
There are 200,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy, one of them is Sun, which is the nearest star of the Earth.
The temperature of the interior of the Sun is 14,999,726 degrees Celsius and the upper surface temperature is 5507 ° C.
The life of humans and other creatures is impossible without trees and without the sun in the trees. So the main basis of life on earth is a sun. Plants use sun's energy to make their own food. Humans receive oxygen from trees only. Because of which we can breathe. From the heat of the sun the water of the sea, lake, lake etc. becomes water vapor deposited in the atmosphere in the form of clouds and this cloud provides rain to us. If there is no sun, then this cycle will not go away and without water, it should become a planetary planet. Nowadays this heat provided by nature is also used in the form of solar energy. Many places where there is a good sunshine of sun, electricity is used to bring solar energy. The heat of the sun is being used by the geyser for heating the water, using the solar cooker etc. to make food. From ground vehicles to small aircraft, it is now being run from solar power. If the same way solar energy is used then the environmental balance of nature can also be balanced.
The sun is very important to us. It gives us plenty of light and heat so that we can sustain life. Due to its qualities, it is worshiped in the form of knowledge and power in Hinduism as well as in many religions and civilizations. Just as the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, so the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy. The sun is the head of the solar system.

Without its presence, the earth is completely cold and without wild animals and trees. With the rising of the sun, the activities of living organisms on the earth are also started and everyone gets busy in their actions. As soon as the sun emerges, the twitching of the birds, the blossoming of flowers, and the attachment of a human being to their own work all started. If a person does not take the necessary amount of sun as heat, then many kinds of diseases make him his victim. Due to the sun, home sealings and many types of insects stay away from home. There is no outbreak of illness in the house.
The sun is a star located in the center of the entire solar system. By the way, many other stars have their own light, but there are some stars in the solar system that shine with the sun's light. This sky is only one star among the more than 100 billion stars of the Ganges. The sun is a fireball. Which is not solid at all. It is made up of gases completely. Sun’s age is estimated to be about 9 billion years old. The sun looks like football from the ground. But its diameter is 13 lakh 92 thousand kilometers. The sun is about 110 times bigger than the Earth. Despite being located 150 million kilometers away from the Earth, it provides us with such light and heat. The sun's light takes 8 minutes to 17 seconds to come from the sun.
If the sun's light does not meet the earth one day, then the earth will take the form of the northern and southern pole in a few hours. The sun is made up of 74 percent hydrogen and 24 percent helium. The remaining 2 percent is made of oxygen, neon, helium, and iron. The temperature of the Sun's outer surface is 5500 degrees Celcius whereas the inner part temperature is 1 million 31 lakh degrees Celcius.
The reason of natural light in the world is the sun. If there was no sun, darkness would remain shadow all the time. There is no day or night too. Moon's moonlight is also due to the sun. It is impossible to imagine all this if there is no sun. Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, also seems very small in front of the sun. All the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun.
Without the sun, life on earth cannot be imagined. The sun is very important for us. The sun gives us light We get heat from the sun. If there was no sun, there was no possibility of any kind development on earth due to lack of light and heat. When the sun does not come out in rain or cold, then we become disturbed. But in the summer its sunlight keeps us back and we look forward to it. But it is certain that life without it is not possible on earth.

  1. Solar activity
    The data obtained from the spacecraft Ulysses shows when solar activity is at it's lower, the solar wind flowing from the polar regions flows by the double speed of 750 km/second which is less in high latitudes. The structure of the solar wind flowing through the polar regions is also different. At the peak of the solar activity, it flows at its own pace.
  2. Solar Eclipse

From the Earth, the Moon and the Sun appear in the same shape. The Moon revolves around the earth in the same reverse as the Earth orbits the Sun. For this reason, sometimes the moon enters the Sun and the Earth and the solar eclipse occurs. If it is not completely in the sun and moon, then the moon can partly cover the sun, it is called the partial lunar eclipse. When all three astrophysical beings are in a line, the moon covers the Sun completely, which leads to complete solar eclipse. Partial solar eclipse appears in a large area, but the complete solar eclipse appears as a highly narrow strip (few kilometers). Although this strip can be thousands of kilometers long The solar eclipse occurs once or twice a year. Seeing the complete solar eclipse is a wonderful experience. When we are standing in the shadow of the
moon, Sun Corona can see. Birds make preparations to sleep by thinking it out at night.

  1. Solar wind
    In addition to the sun, heat, and light emit a stream of electrons and protons called solar wind which flows at a speed of 450 km/second. Through solar wind and solar flames, there is a flow of particles of more energy, which has an impact on the communication satellites and communication channels besides the electricity lines on Earth. From this, beautiful Aurora is formed in the polar regions.
  2. Light circle
    The surface of the sun, which remains radiant, which is called the photosphere, the temperature is 5800 degrees Celsius (6000ºC). The light is not illuminated by the side of the circle because the sun's atmosphere absorbs the light. This is called the Varna Mandal. It is black colored. This is the area above the light board. The area on the character circle, which is called 'Sun Kirit' or 'Sun Corona', spreads millions of kilometers into space. The temperature of this region is up to 1,000,000 degrees Celsius. This area is only visible at the time of solar eclipse. Sun-cured emits X-rays. It is called the crown of the sun. At the time of the complete solar eclipse, light from the Sun Corridor is attained. The solar flare is called the aurora borealis on the North Pole and the aurora australis on the southern pole.
  3. Radiation by small rays
    Each hot body gives electromagnetic radiation (light). The sun is very hot and it has to emit a large amount of energy. Since the rays of the short wavelength have the ability to radiate higher amounts, therefore the sun radiates its energy by 'small rays'.
    Likewise, the emission of the Earth is caused by a long wavelength rays due to which the earth is less warm.
  4. Sun power
    The power of the sun is produced by nuclear fusion. Every second, 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen is converted to 695 million tons and the remaining 5,000,000 tons are converted into energy in the form of gamma rays. This energy, like the surface from the center, is absorbed by the various surfaces and is excreted at low temperatures. On the surface, it is mainly emitted in the form of light rays. In this way, only 20% of the total energy produced in the center is emitted.
  5. Central part
    The central part of the sun is called the core, at its peak temperature. The temperature here is 15600000 degrees Kelvin (1.5 × 107 ºC) and pressure is 250 billion atmospheric pressure. Density at the center of the sun is more than 150 times the density of water.
  6. Giant gas shell
    The Sun is primarily a huge circle of hydrogen and helium gases. Sun surface is formed from hydrogen, helium, iron, nickel, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, carbon, neon, calcium, chromium elements. At present, 71% of the sun's mass is hydrogen 26.5% helium and 2.5% other metals/element. This ratio changes slowly because the Sun burns hydrogen into helium. Hans Bethe told that at the center of the Sun, at the center of the Sun, four hydrogen nuclei together form a helium nucleus, which means that at the center of the Sun, nuclear fusion occurs, the Sun produces energy in its center through the process of this nuclear merger. is. Only a small portion of the energy released from the sun reaches the Earth, of which 15 percent is reflected in the space, 30 percent water is used to make the steam, and many energy plants and plants absorb the sea. Its strong gravitational force keeps the Earth and other planets wandering in different classes.
  7. Circus galaxy
    Just as the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun, so the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy. The sun is the head of the solar system. It is located in a corner at the distance of about 30,000 light-years from our Mandakini Dakhmakhala (Akash Ganges) center. Sun Dudmakhala is circling around the center of Mandakini at a speed of 251 km / s. Its rotation period is 22 to 25 million years. Which is called the cosmic year/neighbor year?
  8. Sun in the Milky Way
    One of the more than 100 billion stars of Sun Galaxy is the general star of the general main sequence of the G2 category. It is often said that the Sun is a simple star. It is true in this way that there are millions of stars like Sun. But the stars have more stars than stars in stars. The top 10% of the solar mass is in stars. The average mass of stars in the galaxy is less than half of the Sun's mass.
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