Some of the world's odd and incredible facts which will shock you

Today in the modern era, it is not difficult to get information about anything because internet making everything easy and accessible and fast. That's why knowledge is spreading day-by-day but the world is still unknown to some facts, even it's difficult for human believe that.
In today artucal, we are going to discuss some interesting, odd and incredible facts. I hope it'll be an increase in your knowledge.

1 Oxford university file photo by internet

University of Oxford is even more ancient than the oldest Aztec Empire - this kingdom was from 1428 to 1521. While Oxford University was established in 1096.

2 Charlie chaplin file photo by internet

Once Charlie Chaplin participated in a competition held in San Francisco theater that was between the implications of Charlie Chaplin. Interestingly, in this competition, self-real Charlie Chaplin had to face defeat.

3 Shark Fish photo by internet

Shark is the only fish that can blink both of his eyes.

4 Haskell Opera House photo by internet

Haskell Opera House is built on the border of America and Canada - its stage is in Konda while its seats are in the United States. 😂

5 Gold Fish file photo by internet

Gold Fish reminder is only for 3 seconds. 😱

6 Mouse file photo by internet

One mouse can give birth to 2000 mice during one year. 😨

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