The most Important Do's and Don'ts you Should Know when Advertising on Facebook

Are you advertising on Facebook, but you don't get results?  

There is only two ways how you can be successful with your Facebook ads:  

  1. You engage an experienced Social Media Agency  
  2. You take matters in your own hands and learn everything about Facebook advertising.  

This post will give you some ideas on what you need to consider to be successful with Facebook ads. 

Facebook Advertising Don'ts 

  1. Drive traffic to your homepage. When you are promoting a specific product or service with your Facebook ad, the landing page needs to be in line with your ad and there shouldn't be too many links and distractions from your main offer you want to promote. 
  2. Targeting not specific enough. Facebook has a lot of targeting options you should take advantage of. Figure out who your main user personas are and define the targeting options accordingly. 
  3. Don't use too much text in your Facebook ad image. Facebook doesn't like text in advertising banners. In fact they state that your ad reach is much lower if you use too much text. 
  4. If your offer is not good enough, your ad will be ignored. Remember you're interrupting people with your ad. They're not visiting Facebook to see ads, they are there to socialise and post selfies.  
  5. Don't drive people to a blog post unless you're after more blog newsletter subscribers.  

Facebook Advertising best practice 

We have created a full guide on Facebook Marketing strategies which goes into all the details for you to learn how to launch successful campaigns and how to track these properly.  But first read this list with best practice for Facebook Advertising. 

Facebook Advertising Do’s     

  1. Before you even start advertising on Facebook, make sure you install the Facebook Pixel on your website and set up custom conversions. A custom conversion can be a form submission, a product purchase or any other action you want the website visitor to take.  
  2. When you set up your Facebook ad, choose the "Conversion" campaign type. With this option Facebook will be able to optimise and show the ad to the people who are most likely to convert (To choose this campaign type you will need to install the FB Pixel first). 
  3. Have a bloody good offer. Don't try to get rich from your Facebook ad, but think about creating an irresistible offer that will get you new clients. Even if you don't make much money on that first deal, what you need to consider is the life-time value of a client. 
  4. Let your ad do the heavy lifting in convincing the audience. Long ad texts perform much better than short texts. In fact if you have more text above your ad image, Facebook is able to use its AI capabilities to segment and target people who are likely to be interested.  
  5. Respond within 5 minutes when a lead comes through. Research has shown that contacting a lead within 5 minutes, makes it 26 x more likely to close the deal.  
  6. Drive people to a custom landing page that is in line with your offer and your ad. There are many different landing page builders on the market where no coding skills are required. 
  7. Include a clear call-to-action in your ad and in your landing page.  
  8. Implement a long-term campaign. Without a clear strategy and campaign goal you are not going to succeed. Put enough time into the preparation of your Facebook campaign to make sure your ad, your landing page and follow up campaigns are rock solid. Why put all the effort into your campaign when you only run it for a week? 
  9. Actively manage your ads. If you're ad is not performing well there are always things you can change up and sometimes it only needs little changes to make a big difference. A set and forget approach is definitely not going to get you results.  
  10. Split test your ads and your audiences. For example you can create two different ads and target the same audience with these. After a short while you will see which ad performs better and then you can pause the non-performing ad.  

If you have any questions about Facebook Advertising, head over to and feel free to get in touch.   

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