Facebook Vrs The People

Facebook, a very lovely corporation that has grown from the size of a sinapi seed to a gigantic tree. It started from scratch and small as all other corporations do. Their business model was to ensure that its users have fun and satisfaction on the platform. And in turn the users will make them rich. Logically its kind of accepted because many people pay huge sums of money to visit the theater to watch an hour entertainment. Why then shouldn't Facebook make money of their users by providing them with an equal but unlimited entertainment packed activity. Its sounds really bad when put this way.


Lets look at the situation from a different angle. From a different point of view, face book is like your father who has been taking very good care of you from infancy. He makes sure everything of yours goes well for you. And as a price, sells you off to the highest bidder when you are ripped. By selling you of on Facebook, your personal information is the product sold to advertisers so that Facebook can clearly make some gains. It will have been quite okay if we were paid to provide such personal information to Facebook but in real sense, our payment is the fun we have on Facebook.

I personally do not see the fun aspect of Facebook and as such only go there on a need to go basis alone. Facebook is undoubtedly fun for all but must their business model be geared towards our privacy? Cant they come out with a better business model? I think they can if they put their mind to it. My major concern is in if these data fall into the wrong hands such as armed robbers, hackers, or the likes, the harm that it can cause is immeasurable. Our security is as risk if who we talk to, when we talked to them, what product we discussed about are known by our social media and can be used to target it on individual or community base. Fun is great but i really dont think its great when our privacy are being invaded.

My heart groins and i feel disheartened for the world wide tremor faceebook has caused the past few years. Some of us knew the repercussions but still managed to join and stay active there whiles being exploited. I say exploitation ends now. Its time for us to look for decentralized solutions. The time is now. Steemit is a decentralized solution but still has a lot of work to do to catch up to facebook.


Why Facebook Is Winning Over Decentralised Social Media

Facebook wont be a competition if our sign up process on steemit wasn't as tedious as it is. Our sign up time sucks and i believe our developers are working their ass off. But we need to be quick about it. EOS is going to overtake Ethereum and i totally believe that. All because EOS is adaptable and has speed in changing things. I am challenging our developers to speed up things before another decentralized social media takes over everything.

Lets Introduce Private Messaging to Steemit
Communication is key to social media. Most people visit facebook not merely for the content but because of instant chat services. I believe Instant messaging to be a key model to making steemit more lively. And i think there are protocols to make these chats private. Lets look at the private memo feature on steemit. If only we can tweak it more into an instant messaging system, we wont be left in the wild in the ever increasing competitive market

We are not happy with Facebook, but we have no better alternative says many youths. Let make steemit the better alternative for the youth because its worth it. Thanks for Reading.

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