FaceBook; Cambridge Analytica; What lies beneath?


Some of you may be shocked to find out FB and Cambridge Analytic (CA) have allegedly been caught red-handed stealing, abusing and using the trust and details of 50million+ users.

Most will think it is just another day in BS global politics and will quickly move to another scandal in due course.

I think not in this case since CA have ties which, Russia, Oil giants, military contractors (of which CA is one) and as you will see deeper ties with DEEP STATE black Ops.

Authorities from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) are in the process of obtaining a search warrant to forensically examine the servers of CA. This is a classic "we are not telling you anything" line from MSM since it will never reveal what it finds to the public for reasons of "National Security."


This is an obvious outcome to the destruction of trust between FB and it's users.
Let us go a little further down the rabbit hole...


There seems to be a general downward trend in which we see all social media platforms, along with Alphabet (Owners of Google).


Christopher Wylie, a former employee of British company Cambridge Analytica, says the company misused personal Facebook data of some 50 million people to help influence the 2016 presidential election.

Wylie says the company met with former Trump campaign manager (and current outside adviser) Corey Lewandowski, former chief strategist Steve Bannon, who commissioned them (CA) to undertake data mining on American citizens. CA's list of clients also includes Russian oil companies, Governments, military contracts (via SCL). So yes, the rabbit hole goes deeper.

At one point Steve Bannon, according to whistle blower Christopher Wylie stated Steve Bannon was a director of CA? I think this may be a miss-quote since Bannon, as far as my reserach goes did pay them for "services" but I can find no record of Bannon working directly with or foir them, that does mean the intel is not out there.

It would seem they have no problem dealing with anyone for political and financial gain, no surpise there.

Now let us take a look into their Rabbit hole...


Cambridge Analytica was created in 2013 as an offshoot of its British parent company SCL Group (Take note of SCL) to participate in American politics(?).

It now states on Wikipedia this: SCL has gained public recognition mainly through its "affiliated corporation" Cambridge Analytica.

In 2014, CA was involved in 44 US political races. The company is partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund manager who supports many politically conservative causes. The firm maintains offices in London, New York City, and Washington, D.C.

SCL: Strategic Communication Laboratories; SCL2.jpg

You think the Russians did it? Read on...

SCL’s involvement in the political world has been primarily in the developing world where it has been used by the military and politicians to study and manipulate public opinion and political will.

It uses what have been called “psyops” to provide insight into the thinking of the target audience. SCL claimed to be able to help foment coups.

According to its own website, SCL has influenced elections in Italy, Latvia, Ukraine, Albania, Romania, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Mauritius, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Colombia, Antigua, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago.

Please let that above "shopping list of interference and manipulation" sink in.

Given the revelations about share price drops across the board, one could say it was down to this and this alone.

I believe the trend is now reflecting the will of the people and our privacy, security and freedoms are and never were up to consensual sale by any of us.

The censorship by Alphabet (Google/YouTube), the dirty data mining by CA/SCL and I suspect numerous others scattered across the world.

The manipulation of democracies across the world, these are not "services" one buys, these are weaponized data sets that corrupt the democratic process.

Some would argue, just doing homework on the "target audience" personally I do not like being referred to as a "Target."

The tend is downwards, I feel because of the growing wave of a storm brewing, a storm of millions who no longer wish to be used and abused by big data or corporations.

More and more people are waking to the fact we are manipulated, placed into a psycho-battle within social media and MSM as pawns in a large game of chess they thought we could not win.

I think all the "big-boys" should take note, we are becoming wise to your ways, we are spreading the word and your stocks will continue to drop.Google-Nazi-Dictatorship.jpg

Mistrust, shadow banning, removal of content that disagrees with these psychopathic globalist POV. No, I think the market is a reflection of the change in society and I for one will continue to expose the corruption, links and underhanded tactics until we remove them.

An Internet Bill of Rights is a long time overdue. From day one major website gave us "Terms & Conditions" at no time did we say, wait a moment, where are OUR terms and conditions.

Well, time is up, and the IBOR is being pushed, drafted and will be voted upon very soon. digital-bill-of-rights.jpg

Until next time...


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