Facebook 262 Times Bigger Than Steemit

Facebook Is has a market cap 262 Times bigger than that of Steemit Market Cap I have outlined the Maths Below

However I want to tell you that Steemit is very Undervalued in my view and the potential of Steemit

First I want to look at the Facebook and it size and the money that is in the Social Media Space

The Sector is worth Billions of Dollars and is currently on an uptrend its growing more people coming online globally everywhere using the sites.

Lets look at Facebook its number's

Market cap of 383,508,313,086.69 of Facebook

2,138,085,037 Shares Outstanding Facebook

Share Price at $179.37

Its profits last Quarter $4.7 Billion 4 Quarters a year an average of around $16 Billion a year profit.

That's a Hugh Sea of money and profits that come from advertisers that run ads to people on the platform

Facebook only make money because the people are on there platform and they can run add's to them

Now you have to ask yourself

Why are people on Facebook and will they be in the Future ? There is no guarantee people will be there

The People on Facebook can not earn money directly from Facebook. They can not say do certain thing or post stuff against Facebook policy in fact its very controlling site.

It does not have very much quality content mostly spam on the feed with ads.

Its overall its gives the users a poor experience and it just wasting the users time.

Lets Talk about Steem

The Market Cap Value of Steemit is $1,461,167,387

steem $1,424,938,337 USD plus Steem Dollars $36,229,050 USD

Facebook Is has a market cap 262 Times bigger than that of Steemit Market Cap

Now Steemit Does not make money for its share holders as it has none it makes money for its users

Which I believe is a stronger and potential better model to create value for the platform

If you have 2 Billion users on Steemit and they are all actively posting and making money then they will stay on the platform use it more and give more value to the token's they hold and buy more.

Currently the model of running ads to customers only benefits FB and the ads companies it creates a negative user experience in the long run.

This negative user experience means less use of the platform and value on the platform. That why your feed is always full of crap.

Steemit does the opposite it increases user experience and use of the platform

In the end the Steemit model will beat the Facebook Ads Model

Can Steemit Steal Facebooks Users Just even 10 % a couple of million then the Steemit Platform would be laughing and i Know this will happen and it will grow a lot in the next few years

Wait and see steemit platform grow and Facebook reduce its users base in the next several years

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