Facebook and the Body Politic

The history of human civilization is inevitably the history of ‘thinking’. The day when man was first aware of his thinking aptitude, when he had first represented the ‘concept of thinking’ in his thinking process, he had instantaneously explored an un-trodden domain before him. He got stunned, dumbfounded, and astounded at his exploration of this novel entity within him. And we don’t know when this tacit phase of mind was first set in motion to stir up the physical and metaphysical facet of knowledge within him. It came straightaway to be known to him that he was not an all told summation of some peripheral physical organs which he had thought himself to be comprised of. He had known for the first time that he was the total sum of some abstract ideas, signs, and attributes. He subsequently ascertained himself to be the ‘being’ made up of subjective and objective, substantial and insubstantial, and physical and metaphysical associates. He encountered his physical world after having come into his ‘being’, and his ‘being’ was vice-versa introduced to the external physical world after having been put into a concrete infrastructure. He had his thinking and intelligence trace his physical reality. Following this logical process entails, ‘thinking’ as the prerequisite to all reality. Let us keep this overtly debated, controversial, and dubious philosophical issue apart to be settled down by the philosophers. What if this much-emphasized ‘thinking faculty’ of man is hindered in all respects from being revealed and exposed accordingly?
We, hence, cannot help being concerned with the recent dogmatic administrative pronouncement attributed to the people from all walks of life of this country as not to let them have an access to using Facebook clogged by the power-in-power unknown and imperceptible (we had better not make any effort to figure out who is that invisible entity). Who are they indeed fear of? Is it the individual himself with his physical presence in the arena of the society at a particular period of time or his thought that the power-in-power is in the fear of? The later may be the case we might deduce to be the atypical cause for the more atypical situation we have ever faced. That we are barred to or have a road block to thinking and revealing our thoughts, opinions, and beliefs has grown to be a fretful concern to us. That we can think and act accordingly has turned a mounting concern to the power-in-power who is supposed to have poked his nose into and inferred in what does not concern him. It (that invisible and immense power) has inferred in the most vital attributes of man, that is, his freedom of thought.
The power-in-power for itself has deliberately given birth to a ruthlessly perverted sexual interest in dead bodies; otherwise it wouldn’t have dared to disassociate the mass people from giving vent to their expression to make them feel like dead bodies with their thinking, their essence, and their spirit dead. So, the-power-in-power is suffering from necrophilia – leaving us exposed to a near-death experience. The power-in-power, therefore, means to conceive the enterprise to pull the string attached to the neck of the mass people with their thinking discarded. We have so far been thwarted in its (the power’s) attempt to control us, resist us, and to manipulate us. The recent administrative decree of the power-in-power necessitates me posing the question again as to how a man varies from a life-like statue or a dead man. It may clearly be stated that man without his thinking is like a hollow-posing-dummy, a statue, or a dead man. And this is what the power-in-power wants us to be as not to poke our nose into their degree of interest running ever high.
Whatever and however be the political context of this country, we should not be defied the freedom of thinking, and deprived of the most imperative essence of our being, our existence, that is, the revelation of our thoughts by means of language. Blocking the way of thinking involves hindering the way of language. We have managed to secure our language at the price of blood, but have yet to be able to secure the freedom of language to reveal our thoughts. We have again been robbed of our freedom of language to make us merely the mute listeners to its, the power-in-power’s, lullaby, a soft gentle song sung to make a child go to sleep by its experienced mother. We have been made to drink a cup of magical hemlock to cause us a drowsy inertness at the interval of which the power-in-power tends to materialize a crazy dance. And our state of sluggish inertia and sleepiness may likewise be compared to the animated statue or a dead man devoid of ‘thinking’. What is the factor there to incite man’s inner being in consequence of his reaction to the external substantial and hedonistic world, other than his unobtrusive implicit knowledge comprised of the tacit principles of his sub-conscious mind? It is certainly the inextricably vigorous entity of language and thoughts ever actuated in his being.
Language fabricates the basis of our thoughts and culture since every nation and culture is to be segregated from the rest in terms of the language it has. That is how we have put ours aside from the unified whole, the infinite, the motion, the oneness, the universal to come into our specific and discrete existence. Language is the only means to have let humans get across a tremendous range of attitudes and information, biases and truths so far we are concerned. And it may so far more been deemed to be the thing to have permitted the building of a tradition through which a person’s thoughts and actions can be influenced by the thoughts of someone who lived hundreds of years earlier. And the thinkers of each generation pass the legacy of their thoughts on to the subsequent generations to contribute immensely to constructing the trends of their (members of the subsequent generations) thoughts and the foundation of their culture. Facebook, a place for sharing thoughts of the young in particular, has also been taken under the intensive supervision and subjugation of the body politic as an initiative to any mysterious political imposition. The power-in-power has blocked it as to block the place of revealing their thoughts to make them as taciturn and dumb as the hollow-posing-dummy.
All the young’s observation, thinking, analysis, explication and elucidation find expression in Facebook, and this is how they learn to condemn and praise any issue, status quo, occurrence, and experience on the basis of their comprehensive and constructive ethical value. Sharing thoughts with their friends and the others indirectly facilitates them to constitute their estimations, beliefs, and vision of themselves, their fellow beings, and the place they are dwelling in. We in regard to this process ought to help the young as far as we can regardless of our different ideological stance.
Since the young are mostly facilitated with the advent of avant-garde technology, the forthcoming leadership of the world is destined to be defined in their hands. As they have endowed themselves with a good grasp of this ostensibly all-pervading system of technology at their disposal, the world, therefore, is surely to leave place to them as to take up an outright novel meaning to be executed by. Now, the time has arrived with all its fairylike entreaties to call upon the prevailing clichéd and parochial leaderships to trigger off a milieu in which the young prodigies can come up with their ingenious, novel and pioneering thoughts to guarantee a noteworthy revamp in the domain of our outlook and thinking.

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