Facebook and Youtube will kill SteemIT

As much as SteemIT is a fantastic model and its a major disruptor or shall I say potential disruptor, I can't see it getting the success that everyone else thinks it will.

I have invested in SteemIT and I hope it really does well, and I love the idea of the creaters of the content being rewarded, but do you think facebook, youtube, google, etc... are going to sit back and let this happen, what is stopping them from changing their biz model and also start to distribute the coins, will people still be attracted to SteemIT.

Unless I am missing something, isn't the big sell on SteemIT that the contributors (me, you) get rewarded for our content, so if facebook and existing sites out there do the same, why would people still move across.  

In terms of features/functionality and the whole experience, facebook is light years ahead.  I can't see people sacraficing that to be able to earn tokens.  I hope I am wrong, but I would say experience is everything.  The established social media sites have a huge developed ecosystem that gives a fantastic experience.

The already have the most important asset, that is the users, the established content, and environment that users are not only familiar with but engrossed in.  As soon as SteemIT starts to get any real traction, for giving tokens, they will introduce it too.

I would love to hear comments on the contrary.

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