Facebook Kicks 200 Suspicious Applications Misusing Data

Facebook announced the results of their latest investigation of applications suspected of misusing data such as Cambridge Analytica.
Based on the official information Newsroom FB, on Tuesday (15/05/2018), Facebook has investigated thousands of applications. The result, almost as many as 200 applications have been subject to suspend.
"Up to now thousands of applications have been investigated and about 200 applications have been suspended while waiting for a thorough investigation to see if they are misusing the data," wrote Ime Archibong, VP of Product Partnerships Facebook.
The investigated applications are those that got user information before Facebook changed its policy on data in 2014. To note, Facebook claims Cambridge Analytica harvests data before policy changes.
Facebook says there are two stages in the investigation process, the first is a review to identify applications that have access to Facebook data, after which interviews and audits are conducted.

"We have a large team of internal and external parties working hard to investigate those applications as quickly as possible," added Ime.

If there is a true application proven to misuse the data, then Facebook will send notification to the user, as in the case of Cambridge Analytica earlier.

Facebook claims to seriously investigate, and adds this will take time. However, they will continue to inform the user about its progress, according to the promise given by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

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