A Perfect Christmas with a fabulous tree.

Hello fans, I'm participating almost at the top of the contest because I just came from a micro vacation, well deserved by the way ... The little beach was calling me, so I answered her call and I didn't make her wait!

So here is my entry @cynetyc with the photo of the Christmas tree at my mother's house; but unlike previous years, in this one, my 11 year old niece decorated it to free choice and we let her creativity do the work due to her great motivation and enthusiasm for Christmas.

In this special season, we let the joy and innocence of the little ones flood our homes with the good feelings that emerge during these holidays and even the celebration of the Kings, which we celebrated on January 6th with gifts. This was a perfect family Christmas because we were all at home as well as on New Year's Day.

will be attentive to what the Magi have to offer us for this 2019, full of success and prosperity.

Greetings and see you next time!

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