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I have spent a bit of time now and then just trying to get in touch with someone in a professional field of questioning the past with resources , I have had a little bit of luck . I went to Robert Schoch of Facebook, a geologist searching for answers to the past and I posted the information of the "Eye's of Sahara" with the maps included and received this response from someone within :

Catherine Ulissey says : Yes, we have been aware of this shape for some time. Thank you. It's clear you have been researching it too. Bravo.

Then I replied with another question of sharing a link to any official reports or studies of the "Eyes of Sahara" , now its just a waiting game to see if any ever get published about it all...

Getting the word out is damn hard , finding any information of the studies done in the area , next to impossible...

Still trying I am , daily...

More information here in comments

Images of the "Eyes of Sahara" that are everywhere in Africa.

Maps to a mystery :

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