Eye of the Storm Summary from the Patriot Hour's Outstanding video on Trump as an Insider Now I'm being punished for leaving this Special Club and revealing to you the terrible things that are going on having to do with our country."

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This link below is an Outstanding share from Umberto Garcia. Thanks so much Umberto! One for the archives for Sure!

Incredible! Wish I could share out to all my groups I was invited to. . .but hampered until 3.22.

Here is a summary and thoughts from what I have read and seen regarding both Bill Cooper and President Trump.

Scroll down to end of summary to go right to video.

Bill Cooper. ..What a STALWART! Remember seeing him do a live feed on their literal alter there in Las Vegas and visited it a couple of times. . .The Luxor!

Bill Cooper was WIDE Awake. Understood the Drug and mind control and took the heat well before many of the Patriots and young anons came on the scene. Literally Paved the Way for looking around, poking around, Testing the Narrative and thinking outside of their Tell a Vision Box!

Give Behold a Pale House. . .INDEED!

Line by line could analyze that El Paso shooting where I lived for a short period. Good people there were Telling it Like it was in seeing multiple shooters. Great hispanic families right there on the border Refused to take what they were being told that was Against what their own eyes and ears showed them. They Shut it Down fast on many of the Tech Giant Platforms, but there were other channels and avenue to spread truth.

Perfect where Cooper says, "When they say today there is no conspiracy, that's not a lie. They're doing it right out in the open, right under our noses and we're too stupid to know it, to see it. It's Not a conspiracy now Today, it's all out in the open. They even published their plans."

Boy did they ever and we have done our best to show people the documentation and vetted evidence. And he was saying this Years Ago! He put his life on the line in order to try to warn others. Some Refuse to listen.

Don't believe me? Go take a wake through, in stores right now and see what people are most concerned about. You can't feed the fam with toilet paper. Now grant it, nothing wrong with having some extra on hand as people are staying in and some to provide for those in need like the elderly or laid up. ..but to This extreme we are witnessing? How is it the general public has become so mind controlled and prone to a media that pushes fear and anxiety? Is that what God wanted? #FearNoMore

2 Timothy 1:7
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Truly a Must See for everyone who Knows the truth and for those who would challenge themselves to have an Open Mind, step outside of the box for a few minutes and check up on what he says.

Classic Umberto. . ."What it's like to be an Insider, I was an Insider, not bad! Now I'm being punished for leaving this Special Club and revealing to you the terrible things that are going on having to do with our country." The Crux of it for Sure!

  • World Political Power right here
  • Our corrupt political establishment is the Greatest Power behind the efforts at Radical Globalization and the disenfranchisement of Working People
  • Their Financial Resources are virtually unlimited (Do the asleep ponder where the get them)
  • their Political Resources are Unlimited
  • Their Media resources are Unmatched (remember they own at least 90% through their corporations).
  • The Depths of their immorality is Absolutely Unlimited
  • Corrupt Political Establishment is a Machine. . .It has No Soul!
  • The only Force strong enough to save our country is US. (We are backed by the Almighty Creator whose image We Are Created in)

The Tell. . ."I knew this day would come, I knew this day would arrive. Only a matter of WHEN?"

A Great Trumpisms for Sure! Thank you President Donald J. Trump for Always gathering intel in order to help save #WeThePeople, #ForGodAndCountry, #BestInsiderEver, #Trump2020

#TheTruthIsOutThere, #BillCooper, #BeholdAPaleHorse, #TrojanHorse, #WeDontWantToBePartOfThatHistory, #VoteForTheFutureYouDeserve, #NothingTheyDoCanStopWhatIsComing, #EyeOfTheStorm

Remember This-Eye Of The Storm

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