Steemit Communities will make posting content feel a lot less judgemental.

Yesterday I had a question about EOS and my need to get access to more CPU to use on the EOS network.

I decided to make a blog post about it because I tried looking for an answer for 1-2 hours on the internet and I couldn't find it anywhere.

I also don't know where EOS people reside but I know crypto people are on Steem so it seemed like a good option.

My question was answered perfectly on Steem within 20 minutes and it made me very happy.

My problem was solved!

But what annoyed me (slightly) is that I HAD to make a whole blog post about it.

I couldn't just go anywhere on Steem and ask somewhere quick.

If that was an option I would just have made a quick post asking:

I need some extra CPU to stake EOS but I can't stake it because I don't have enough CPU, how do I solve this?

It would have saved me a lot of time.

But we all know that a 1 sentence blog post on can be a little bit sensitive.

And even if there was another frontend where I could ask a quick question that question would (most likely) have become a blog post on with all the potential consequences.

In other words, posting can be a constricting experience Steem. All your actions are constantly judged and it can be confusing too. It's simply a fun killer.

I think it's one of the reasons people feel less free posting whatever they want here, then on other social media.

I think there are people not using APPICS right now even though they want too because they are a bit scared to do so because of what the consequences might be if you post a nice photo to your blog on

It's all a bit silly because more posts in whatever app build on Steem = more activity and that benefits us all.

And besides all that, I was lucky that I had someone that read my post, but if you are new here, the post with the question might have been lost within all the other thousands of posts.

Luckily, all of the above will be solved when Communities arrive. And I can't wait.

When communities are here, next time I have a question, I can just go to the Crypto Community.

Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 14.05.21.png

Write a quick post

Screenshot 2019-11-22 at 14.09.21.png

And post it there.

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It will not be posted on my own Steemit blog and therefore it won't be scrutinized by the good content police.

The feeling of freedom will be great! I think a lot of Steemians will like it.

It will also save time for a lot of people and we will also be building a whole database of questions and answers that other users might find on the internet and they might want a steem account too.

Also because there is no judgment I expect a lot more posts and engagement in communities from a lot more Steemians.

Have a funny cat meme? Go to the meme community and have fun! Engage.

Have a crypto question? Go to the crypto community and ask it.

Yes! How refreshing.

I think communities will be very powerful, must more so then people currently think.

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