Funnel Creation Formula - The Real Secrets To Success in Online Business

The best way to sell constantly is with sales funnels. Start today and see the system that works for single-member businesses and giant corporations like Starbucks and McDonald's.
When you begin applying sales funnels, you will grow and scale your business.

Funnel Creation Formula is a proven, step-by-step process that shows you exactly how to create sales funnel in precise detail. It shows you exactly what to do every step of the way, what to promote, and how to promote it to gain trust in your customers and make more sales in the process

That’s a very good question. And knowing the answer to this question can make or break your business.

You see, a lot of information marketers just create products randomly. They get an idea, they create the product, they promote it. They get another idea, they create a product, they promote it. And they keep doing this with no rhyme or reason.

If you want to make a lot of money with your business, then you need to create a sales funnel. This is where you create a suite of highly related products to sell to your prospects and customers. This funnel will include a variety of products and services at different price points, from low-priced products to turn prospects into customers, all the way to premium-priced products.

You can grow your business by:

  1. Increasing the average transaction value per customer
  2. Increasing the number of customers and
  3. Increasing the number of transactions per customer
To grow your business, you need optimized and excellent converting sales funnels. They are the core of your marketing.

Every funnel, if optimized correctly, can bring you a lot of money.

So let us start

To build your funnel, you need to follow these steps

  1. Determine What Problem You Will Solve
  2. Choose a Traffic Source
  3. Offer Irresistible Lead Magnet
  4. Offer the Main Product With Unique Selling Position
  5. Offer an upsell
  6. Follow up campaigns

What is a sales funnel?


There is a lot of confusion around sales funnels, and I want to help clarify that in this video. First of all, a question that lots of people ask is, "Why is it necessary to build a sales funnel in the first place?" Surely if you want to sell high-priced products, you just sell them, right?


While it's true that in the offline world, you can go ahead and sell expensive stuff right off the bat, for example, if you run a Bentley dealership, you wouldn't expect someone to buy a Toyota from you first, and then trade up. In the online world, things are different. Unfortunately, there is a tremendous lack of trust online. It's not surprising. Some online traders are sad, less than honest, and online, it's easy to deceive. For example, your website might give people the impression that your business is a large operation run from slick offices in the heart of the city when in reality, you're just some guy who lives in a downmarket neighborhood and works out of his spare bedroom. Of course, your website might give a completely different impression.

To put it bluntly, most people you deal with online for the first time are going to assume that you're a crook until you've proved otherwise. A sales funnel enables you to do this.

With a sales funnel, you can establish that you're a real business, you provide quality goods or services, you deliver on time, and perhaps most importantly, that the customer is going to see value for money. When people know and trust you, it's easier to make sales. I've heard it said that people will want five points of contact with you before they'll really trust you. When they do trust you, they'll know that you're not a crook, they'll know the quality of your goods and services, and they'll know that you know what you're talking about.

This is where a sales funnel comes in.

You start by giving something away for free, you then sell them something inexpensive, then something more expensive, then something even more expensive, and so on, all the way along.

Once someone has bought a cheap item from you and is happy with it, they're more likely to purchase a more expensive item from you. It's just human nature. To put it another way, it builds confidence and trust in you, trust in your business, and trust in your brand.

See more about how to create profitable sales funnels

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