Monthly Income Report for November 2020

Hello and welcome to my Monthly Income Report for November! This is my 4th monthly income report for my blog! Here are the links to previous income posts:

Monthly Income Report - October 2020
Monthly Income Report – September 2020
Monthly Income Report – August 2020

Let’s hit this….

Monthly Income Report for November

I've now got 22 posts on this blog. With 3 produced in November.

This monthly income report will include not just income from this blog, but income from my blogging efforts… this includes my content on and

I won’t be including the web-monetization from Coil and Cinnamon because it consists of hundreds of transactions… it’s honestly not much, a couple of dollars a month.

Income for November

+ $150 Cinnamon Boost

I didn't make it into the Top 10 creators in October, and so the boost for 11-20 used to be $50 worth, but I got $150. I don't really know what this means, has it changed for everyone? Did a couple of us get a special boost? No idea but I'm extremely grateful regardless...

This arrived on the 16th of November. I assume it's for the calendar month of October, but I honestly don't actually know. It's not super easy to tell what date I published particular videos either.

I can tell you that I really stepped up lately and published 7 videos in the last 2 weeks (everyone has a limit of 10 per month) so I'm keen to see if that makes a difference.

This is my Cinnamon channel:

+ $364.51 Coil Boost

I wrote 3 posts for October so I think this amount makes sense. I wrote 2 posts in September ($254.01), 5 for August ($626.16) and 4 for July ($316.36). If I've figured out the system then my 2 posts for November should be in the $200-$300 zone.

If you want more details on making money on blogging platforms, please check out my post here.

Here is my Coil blog:

Costs for November

- $14 Fathom Analytics

My Fathom trial period is over and since I don't have any active referrals yet (click here if you're interested) then I'm now paying full price for the service. It's a really great service and I'm really happy with it. It's so good not to be giving Google absolutely about my visitors.

Results for November

Income Total – $514.51

Expenses Total – $14

Profit Total – $500.51

It was $30 less than October, but still incredible for just blogging about stuff I'm excited about.

I also earned 198.25 HIVE for my posts and investments in the Hive ecosystem… which is worth about $25. I didn’t put it in my income tally because I’m keeping all my Hive on the blockchain. It’s not true revenue.

Analytics for November

I don't have the traffic yet for any advertisements or anything, not yet anyway, here are my analytics for November:

Monthly Income Report for November

Still really low numbers, but I haven't been that active so it's not a huge surprise. I really should be spending every day on my blog if I want it to grow, so I'm just not as serious about it as I probably should be.

I’m socialising my posts on Pinterest and Imgur.

Again, I've been super terrible this last month... and again I really need to step it up.

Affiliate Links

I signed up as an Amazon Associate. While I can't see myself using this super often except in my Ninja Warrior training posts. Have to assume it's better to have it than not. I've had my affiliate details up for the last month, but I'm going to assume you need to have traffic before they'll actually do anything.

Thanks so much for reading my Monthly Income Report for November.
Please hit me up on Twitter if you have any questions!

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