Christians Absent from the Round Table on Aliens, Crop Circles?

Originally published on September 22, 2015 on my blog Jesus and Aliens.

Summary: When I began looking into ETs three years ago, I was noticing that my Christian peers were largely not engaging crop circles, ETs, and the other para-normal phenomena, and I can only assume it's because of their pat answers to explain them (demons, hoaxes, deceptions, and people's lack "leaning on the blood of Jesus") - which does not allow for the possibility that they really don't have all the information to understand them, contrary to their belief. And therefore, Christian leaders exclude themselves from the global discussions on what is going on and how to respond to it. This is a big loss for the rest of the ideologies who are showing up to engage these difficult topics - because, Jesus' message is so very relevant to our cosmic citizenship and must be central. I didn't mention it specifically in the post below, but I feel the absence of overtly Christian symbolism in the crop circles, coupled with the prolific presence of the flower of life/ universal (sacred) geometry indicates that the latter is the larger truth that contains the former (Christian ideals), not the other way around.
Please note: I identify myself as "Christian" in this dated essay, however, I currently self-describe as a "Jesus-Follower" to reflect my continued loyalty to Christ but not necessarily to orthodox Christianity.

Can Christians intelligently and sincerely investigate ETs and other "high strangeness" and still remain orthodox? That may explain their absence...

Here is what I wrote in 2015:
As I was discovering more about crop circles and investigating their meanings, it occurred to me that it would take a wide cross-section of humanity to come together and stretch to its limits all the individual expertise and spiritual maturity contained therein in an attempt to definitively answer, “What do they mean?”

The mathematicians can see universal mathematical principles being diagramed; the physicists gain new insight into electro-magnetic energy generation; the Native Americans recognize symbols long meaningful to them; New Agers draw inspiration from the energy centers created; occultists and Wiccans can point out ancient symbols; astrologers see representations of stellar and planetary events; SETI researchers can get excited about what appears to be direct responses to their queries into the vastness of space.

The phenomenon ingeniously requires disparate segments of our societies to actually dialog and share what we know with each other. I don’t think that is coincidental. If indeed crop circles are of other-than-human origin, I believe part of the design of the creators is to get us talking to each other in a civil manner.

Interestingly, I did not list Christians in the above list of folks that hold the pieces to the crop circle puzzle. That’s not because I don’t think we have anything to offer. In fact, I think we hold the most important piece of the puzzle. It’s just that I’m not sure most Christians are aware of, or want to be aware of, what is going on. Call it the “absence of the slow-on-the-uptake.”

As I scanned the 40-some years of recorded documentation of the crop formations, I was aware that the overwhelming majority of symbols could be claimed by many different religious groups, and none could be considered exclusively “Christian”. One cross-like formation did occur, but a commentator pointed out that it could just have easily represented the “Tree of Life” as understood by nature religions.

So are Christians being excluded from the table discussion? And if so, is it precisely because they are Christians (the world will hate you because of Me), or because Christians have isolated themselves from the meanings drawn by these other groups?

This need for a motley crew of humans to get their heads together extends to the UFO/alien phenomena in general. This point was driven home to me when I received a comment to my last blog post, The Aliens-are-Demons Debate, from someone whose handle indicated he or she was a satanist. The comment actually was a simple question, presumably to his or her own blog audience: “Could they [aliens] be [demons]?” It struck me that both satanists and Christians are asking the same questions when it comes to the alien phenomenon. Whatever else we disagree on, we agree about what we don’t fully understand.

I mean, what epic story encompasses a plot more twisted than the best Sci-Fi mystery thriller and characters more haunting than Formics in Ender’s Game, that comes complete with secret codes to crack, government cover-ups, military secrets, and connections to the top issues of our day - global warming, nuclear war, population control, genetically engineered food (and people?), End Times prophecy, ancient mythology, advanced technology, and the most massive conceptual art happenings in the history of the Earth [crop circles]? If you haven’t figured it out from the title of this blog or my great hints, it’s “Ours.” Or, rather, the Human and Alien Story.

And that list doesn’t even touch on the Primary Story - that of Christ Jesus, the Savior of the World, forgiving sin and making a way for humans to be resurrected in body, as He is; and the story of his Church, who He now commissions to bring God’s Kingdom to Earth. Where do these stories intersect?

As mentioned above, I will now reveal what important piece of the puzzle Christians have to offer at the Global Round Table. Except it’s not just a piece of the puzzle. Jesus and His Kingdom are the Source Image, the Reference for the broken-up and gap-filled picture of What has Happened, is Happening, and will Happen: the perfect firstborn of the new humanity. For a reason that still escapes me, we humans are invited to join Him on the picture on the puzzle box. We’re the Reality the puzzle is going to end up reflecting once everything is in place. Are there non-human “children of God?” I don’t have an answer for that. But I do know a New Heaven and New Earth is promised and Jesus is Lord, and will be Lord, over all.

On the one hand, Christians can remain distant from the alien debates and repercussions of alien-human involvement since they are secure in their destiny as sons and daughters of God. On the other hand, being isolated and excluded from the Round Table means the Light Jesus came to bring will fail to shine there. As opportunities arise, let’s come to the Table. Let’s find those who don’t believe there even is a cohesive Picture to piece together and share the beauty and wonder that is Christ Jesus! Even if we can’t figure out for sure where the aliens fit into it all.

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