Belief in Aliens: How it all began

Originally posted to on September 1, 2015 by meganelainefleming
Please note: the blogposts in this 2-year archive series that I am currently uploading to Steemit record my awakening process and do not always reflect my current undertandings, but I am leaving them unedited as reminders of how we only see a small window at any one time.


How does a college-educated, middle-class wife and mother from a small town with no dramatic contactee or UFO experience become an ardent believer in the reality of aliens? My story begins with investigating the “end” – that is, of the World. In the summer of 2014, I happened to select a book at a take-a book, leave-a-book corner of a local coffee shop with the title, “The complete Idiot’s guide to 2012 – An ancient look at a critical time,” by Synthia Andrews and Colin Andrews. I hadn’t paid much attention to the hype surrounding the “end of the Mayan calendar” back in 2012; I figured it would be an entertaining read a couple years removed from the supposed apocalypse as I took the book to my comfortable Midwest home surrounded by my thriving flower garden. Clearly the world was still turning.

It contained chapters such as, “The Mysterious Maya,” “Sky Watchers,” “Alignments of 2012,” “Changing of the Ages,” “Mayan Prophesy,” “New Age Viewpoints,” among many. Under Part 4: 2012: Signs of Change is a chapter on “Crop Circles and Other Signs from the Meta-Conscious Mind.”

Crop circles… what did I know about crop circles? As a junior higher, I remember seeing a TV episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” on the phenomenon, where basically the conclusion was that they were able to be humanly explained. And, as no doubt was the intention, I forgot about the “mystery” for twenty some years. But now…to be told this is still going on, some decades later? So I did what any reasonably curious person would do – I Googled it. I found sites like the Crop Circle Connector and checked out the single book on the phenomenon in my local public library, “Crop Circles – Exploring the Designs and Mysteries” by Werner Anderhub and Hans Peter Roth.


All the evidence pointed to a phenomena beyond human capacity.

Following some late night investigations on the tangled rabbit-hole of the web, I came upon the “2001 Alien Messages“.

And I believed. Something – Some beings with super intelligence and highly advanced technology were communicating with us.

The moment I believed, I told God I didn’t want to. I wanted to go back to ignorance. I wanted to just believe we were alone. How was knowing the truth going to affect my worldview, which has been a traditional Biblical one? Would I go insane with fear and loss of hope? Would I get sucked in to hoaxes, false teaching, and false prophecy? Would I be scoffed at or rejected from peers, family, friends, who just don’t want to hear about really startling realities? Much of the related phenomena and topics surrounding extraterrestrial life fall outside orthodox Christian practice and teaching (for starters, that they exist, for instance), so the risk of sounding heretical was very real. Would any Jesus follower be intrigued enough to even explore questions with me?
Despite these misgivings, here I am, sharing my processing of these questions with the blogsphere. And to my relief, I have found other Jesus followers who indeed do share the same questions and have asked me to invite them to this site upon its launch. The result of digging into my questions on the End Times, Human Exceptionalism, the Paranormal, Gnostic texts, Occult and New Age links to E.T.s, and myriad other eccentric topics has, contrary to fears, anchored me much more firmly to YHWH as Creator, Jesus as the only Hope for humanity, and the Church as vital to ushering in the New Creation.
This blog is the working out of my identity as both a follower of Jesus and seeker of the whole truth – which, I have concluded, includes the presence of extraterrestrials in our lives.
I invite any seekers to join me in my quest to remain devoted to Jesus in the Disclosure Age.

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