Endangered Peoples & Birds

When was the last time the documentary makers have made an effort to highlight the plight of the local people in pain and subjugation? It's nauseating to watch the hypocrites humanize the birds while they demonize the human population in pain. I don't buy the false pretension of care exhibited the those who have human blood in their hands.

The demonization of the locals for their hunting of the birds is a misplaced outrage on the part of the hypocrites. Where the f'ck was their outrage for the killings of the local people? The birds have to be protected but not the local people?

International ornithologists have declared Nagaland as the 'Falcon Capital of the world' after counting about 1 million Amur Falcons that roost in the land during the annual migration on way to South Africa. The phenomenon is the largest in the world. This bird enjoys a protected status.

The native inhabitants, whose resistance movement is still ongoing, are East Asian (as opposed to South Asian) by racial origin. Naga, although it gets treated as the name of a people, is, in fact, the name given to the collection of 40 to 50 different peoples who have their own language, dress, dance, etc. Moreover, Nagaland is just one portion of their land heritage – their other lands lay outside the official Nagaland map.

Their political movement has now become hydra-headed, thanks to India's receptiveness of the British legacy... of divide and rule. The NNC, which stands for Naga National Council, has been sidelined, while the NSCN-IM (National Socialist Council Of Nagalim - Isak & Muivah) the breakaway faction has been glorified, by India.

According to the latest news report, two Indian persons have been arrested by the Indian security forces for extorting money on behalf the NSCN-IM.

Umesh Kumar (21) and Ramesh Kumar (19), caught with extortion slip in Kohima, Nagaland. IMAGE

This news item has provoked one internet user to pose the following question:

Well if you guys are really going to collect taxes is there no one brave enough in this faction to come out and collect taxes apart from this two hairy Indians?

The aforementioned comment was given becaue the two individuals as judged by their physical appearance are not natives. "You guys" is in reference to the NSCN-IM. Employing the non-natives for what they regarded as national duty has raised many eyebrows.

Why is the Indo-Naga war unknown to the outside world?

The short answer in my estimation is: the aggrieved party is voiceless and fatigued. The Neuro-linguistic programming, another key factor, has never favored the governed. Tragic! It is needless to say that truth has become extinct like the dinosaurs.


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