Are extinction rebelion who they seem, and is this form of protest the way forward

Im am going to write a short few paragraphs on extinction rebellion, now I have my own personal suspicions here that I will keep largely out of this post. Now before we get started yes I do have my suspicions on climate change, Im yet too see much research into the earths cycles over the past few hundred years, and also most of the data used seems to only date back to the 80s. There was also a period of time when governments were warning over cooling climates, and also the basic matter that co2 is good for plants, plus the possibility of geo engineering but that perhaps for another post.

One thing that I can agree on however with the protesters is that mother earth is having is life blood i.e oil drilled from her and the burning of such fuels does not make for pleasant air to be breathing, the logging of the amazon rain forest and the general deforestation destroying animal and human habitat is quite frankly heart breaking, I could go on but any questioning I do have is more surround the natural climate temperature not the damage to the quality of air and nature, and quality of life on the planet.So to those every day people protesting genuinely trying to make a positive difference, I have allot of respect for as doing something is better than nothing if its positive.

Now the title of the article questions extinction rebellion and yes I do question the organisation to a degree, For starters they have a very fancy London headquarters, and I have to ask who is funding this, there was a protest in my home city a few months back were a boat had blocked a main road in the city centre, again I must ask how have they got it their without the police stopping them,who funded it and why were they not moved on.Most of the videos I see online of extinction rebellion are from the mainstream media throw my experience of protest groups they get very little if any air play. For me and I know some will not like this but holding up central London and having a place to camp for 5 nights seems like the authorities and government have some control over this, it was pointed out on a daily politics show on BBC TV one most be rather privileged to be able to just go to a several day protest in the middle of the week. I must say I found zion lights response to that quite bizarre saying since she is from an ethnic minority group I`m not sure we should have the conversation about privilege.

It may be said by some, does it matter if this group is financed, does it matter id their controlled opposition and perhaps it doesnt too much. However for me perhaps all of us have to ask are selfs what is the best way to change the world for the better, maybe politics and protest might come into it to a degree, but what about what we do in are everyday lifes, it took me years for example form about the age of around 8-9 to my early 20s to finally give meat up and I guess one thing looking back that highlighted was the importance to make small changes and keep going, and keep focussed, I for example still don`t buy as much locally sourced products as I would like this would have benefits for my local economy, and small businesses you would be surprised by the power of spending your money at independent/small businesses without share holders has.

So maybe if we all though hang on perhaps il stop buying that product with palm oil in or soy, il working on changing my habbits, Il ride my bike a bit more or walk eventually big companies would have to change or cease to exist, grow your own veg, it can be done on your window ceil from cuttings, it would save you money and the environment the fumes from the transport. or maybe check out a local market, perhaps get your fitness up by walking or cycling more.

The best way forward in making change I guess is an individual decision to make but I would encourage everyone to think form all areas on consciousness, If you are planning on heading to a protest good luck, and I hope you walk their.

take care world.extinction rebelion.png

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