Expressions - The power of storytelling


The art of storytelling has been an integral part on the journey of human experience. People respond naturally and learn better through storytelling. It is with this intention that a collective of like hearted and minded individuals reached the same turning point in their lives whilst reflecting on their life journey.

The coming together of this group happened without trying. We came together to reflect, support and empower each other to realize that our true value lies in our story and not where we are in our lives in that moment. Through the collective experiences we have been individually exposed to, experiences that potentially once drove us to a path of destruction. The opposite end of that stick is something far more powerful, and without understanding this, converting the negative aspects of this journey, how can we truly ever learn & grow. By sharing and releasing the thoughts that own us, we release any holds, and allow us to see ourselves for what we really are, which in turn brings us to an understanding if our true value.

Over the years much has changed in every aspect of living and made just “being” very challenging and therefore many were trained to suppress our inner voice in lieu of being accepted and any excuse to be heard and noticed. There is a saying that God created so that he could be known because up until that point he was a hidden treasure. Upon arriving at this reflection it would seem clear that Divine wishes to be known through our expression because no matter where you look, it is known that the spirit of the divine was breathed into every living thing. May we become a tapestry of colours and expression by allowing individuals to share their stories: thereby releasing and restoring our inner power to weave a new expression of the real you.

By creating a safe space to allow us to remove our masks and bare all, without the fear of our vulnerabilities being exposed, we no longer have to hide. The result is a first time experience in a relationship with yourself, about yourself and for yourself.

May it be a true expression of our love.

Expression Media is looking to meet people where they are and, in time, help them figure out what they want to change and how they can go about making those changes. Our long term plan is to bring together our collective influences to combine physical, spiritual, occupational, social, emotional, environmental and intellectual wellness benefits to like-minded people.

In the words of Brene Brown “I now see that owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

Go forth in kindness & share your being with the world

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