In the age of 5-15 sec sound bites, weekly, daily, even hourly content, I want to produce something that's a bit rare-- spending the time on quality over quantity.

I'm getting set to launch a #podcast🎙 (yea, I know) 2Q-ish of 2020. I'll be releasing one 60-180 min episode each month... there maybe be a few bonus episodes as well.

I'm looking for "less known" people doing interesting things. I'm leaving it intentionally vague.

This also isn't to say these will just be random people. I'm looking for folks on the verge of a breakthrough. Folks that maybe aren't looking to share what they're doing-- or don't think anyone would be interested (looking specifically at you research scientists).

Why "less known?" A lot of podcasting is super niche or mass appeal. Mass appeal folks tend to be famous or semi-famous people, and they tend to show up "on the circuit." If you listen to a lot of podcasts, you probably realize this-- it's similar to the book or movie tour, and often times these folks have some sort of new product to consume. This is not to say I won't be featuring folks that have done either, however, I'd expect each episode to introduce a new person, and possibly new things.

While I don't intend the podcast to be 'super niche,' I intend to cover super niche topics for mass appeal and consumption. Think about all those interesting "Intro to" classes you might have taken. While I can't promise every episode will be introductory, the intent will be exposed to things that typically don't make it to mass appeal.

Ultimately-- I'm looking to give voice and a platform to folks less known, in an audio form with similar to the written form on this site. I'm also looking to expose this idea to the intellectual or knowledge work, or the folks that engage in it are somehow more special than everyone else. I hope to play a part in sparking people to dive deeper into what interests them.

The format will be a free form with themes centering around: ideas 💡, tech 💻, and/or politics 💬. Time will be allotted to discuss said interesting thing(s) as well as get the guests to take on some pre-identified topics. I will also be challenging guests, popular ideas, and opinions. I'm not intending to sway the audience or the guests, but I do what to challenge everyone to examine what they think they know. That will either further solidify what you know and believe or change it.

If you or someone you know might make a good guest, just email me 👍🏼. Make the subject is "The POD" and be sure to tell me what interesting thing(s) you'd like to share.

Final Thoughts & Opinions

As with everything on this site, I'm attempting to do everything as transparently as possible in an attempt to demystify the creation of intellectual process'.

I can't underpin this enough. Anyone is capable of doing great, innovative, and interesting things. It takes time and work. "Working Hard ™️" is a misnomer in modern society-- often confused with dedication. 'Working hard' would be walking from New York City to Los Angeles. 'Working Smart ™️' would be taking the bus, train, or airplane. Dedication, well, that's doing something a lot. To be successful, one needs to take dedication and determine a system or process to improve. That often takes external forces (usual people), but some people can learn to do it themselves.

If that has you excited and you can't wait for the podcast to start to check out "Creativity" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It's a template, not an instruction manual... there isn't such a thing for creativity, knowledge, or intellectual work. There are a lot of processes that can help, but there is no magic bullet.

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Selfishly, I suppose, this is also a way for me to become exposed to new ideas and try to push them forward. I hope others find this interesting and do the same. 🤗😬😉

About the author:

Andrew lives in Portland, OR and has worked in tech for over 15 years. With a foundation in philosophy, political theory, and communications, he is an avid thinker & tinkerer, constantly learning and exploring the world around us.

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