UpVote Experiment #002 - UpVote'em All!

After running my 100% Upvote Experiment I was already itching to run another fun experiment but wasn't sure what to do. Yesterday after running some tests on a UpVote bot it came to me. Instead of doing a small amount of 100% UpVotes I would instead go the opposite direction and do as many as possible at a very small percentage. This will not only let me give a small boost to as many posts as possible (especially with the recent lack of voting) and answer a few questions along the way like is it more profitable to spread your votes out or be more direct?

social-experiment-advertsing-tugboat-group-vancouver.jpg Source

The Experiment

It's pretty straight forward

  • Create UpVote bot that attempts to UpVote every new post (non-comments)
    (every 3 seconds)
  • Add code to comment on as many as possible explaining the experiment
    (every 20 seconds)
  • Add fail safe on errors so the bot continues to run without interruption
  • Run Bot for 24 Hours
  • See What Happens!

The UpVote Bot

from piston.steem import Steem
import os
import json
steem = Steem(wif="WIF")
for c in steem.stream_comments():
if c.is_main_post():
vote = c.upvote(weight = 0.03, voter = "blueorgy")
print("UpVoted post by @"+vote["operations"][0][1]["author"])
reply = c.reply("UpVote Experiment Comment", title='', author='blueorgy')
print("Replied via "+reply["operations"][0][1]["permlink"])

Right, Lets Do This Thing

I will start up the bot momentarily

Remember To Vote blueorgy for witness!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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