Tour to an agricultural firm.

Hi my follow learned colleagues, it was really exciting going on a tour with my departmental colleagues to an agricultural firm. The firm deals on plantain plantation, palm kernel factory, poultry, piggery and they intend going into rearing of cow. I understood there that nothing is a waste, except you call you a waste. In the firm, they made use of all there waste to reduce cost and also make money. Many things was an eye opener there, but what really got my interest was the biodigester, which took care of the pig waste and make it useful. I decided to check through the internet, and I understood what a biodigester truly is. A biodigester system utilizes organic waste, particularly animal and human excreta, to produce fertilizer and biogas. A biodigester consists of an airtight, high-density polyethylene container within which excreta diluted in water flow continuously and are fermented by microorganisms present in the waste. The fermentation process is anaerobic, i.e., it takes place without oxygen, and the bacteria responsible for decomposition are methanogenic (i.e., they produce methane, also known as biogas). The processed manure is an organic, pathogen-free fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The products are primarily for self-consumption on farms and the biogas can be stored and used as a sustainable energy source for electricity, cooking, and heating.
I was wowed when the farm instructor used the gas for cooking. He said they are still look for a way to compress the gas to a cylinder so the could sell it. You see, they are so many opportunities, but the problem is what problem are you seeing and how do you intend to solve it.

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