Expectation effect

The expectation effect or self-fulfilling prophecy is not only a social-psychological factual concept, but also a vital reality that we will face in every aspect of our lives, and it is entirely in our hands to use this reality.

The researchers conducted a general intelligence test at the beginning of the year in an experiment with primary school students and divided the students with normal intelligence level into two.

One of the two groups told the teachers of the children that they had intelligence above average and warned the teachers not to talk about the families of the students. In the general intelligence tests conducted at the end of the year, students who were said to be clever at the beginning of the experiment performed better than the other students and their performances in the first test.

The results of the experiments were quite surprising, how did these children perform at the same level of intelligence as the other children after they were labeled smart students? You might think it's a spell, but no one has cast a spell on them, everything is about effect - reaction.

In the experiment, it was the main reason why all students did not know that they had normal intelligence level and the teachers acting closer and more concerned about the students they assumed to be intelligent were performing above their normal performance. Students who were treated more cautiously worked harder in their classes and as a result gained a higher score in general intelligence tests.

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