3 Ways To Increase Life Expectancy!

It is everyone's dream to live more in this world. How long you'll live is written in your fate by God but the interesting part is that every action is written in the fate including the methods we use to increase the life expectancies and their impact. Though it doesn't change what's written in your fate, it simply activates what was written in your fate.

You may be wondering that what I'm talking about, right? It simply means that there are few things that are written in your fate with "if" conditions. If you take XYZ action, such and such will happen and so on (otherwise else condition will be active), and that includes the ways that are used to increase life expectancies.

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Having said that, it is noticed by experts that people who do certain things live longer than the people who do otherwise. If you're looking for ways to increase your life expectancy then you're at the right place. In this article, we'll discuss some of the ways to increase the life expectancy.

# 1 - By Going Outside:

One of the easiest ways to increase life expectancy is going outside more often. Vitamin D plays an important role in your body. When you have the required level of Vitamin D in your body, it helps you fight depression, heart disease and more importantly, increases your life expectancy.

The study shows that 50% of adults are having the low level of Vitamin D and that's very shocking since it is quite easier to get Vitamin D through sunlight. When you go outside, you expose yourself to the sunlight (which gives you Vitamin D) and that's how you increase your life expectancy.

# 2 - More Sex Means More Life:

It made me shocked when I first discovered that sex is linked with the life expectancies. I decided to dig more into it and finally, some explanations helped me understand that sex is truly connected with life expectancies.

Less sex doesn't necessarily mean that you'll not live long but having more sex with your life partner increases life expectancy because it means that you're happy with each other and there's positivity in the mind of both of you which contributes to the life expectancy and that's exactly what connects sex to the life expectancy.

# 3 - Getting Rid of TV:

The lazier you become, the expectancy of living for long starts decreasing and sometimes even get to the negative level which means that your life is coming to an end. Your weight and obesity cause other diseases which are either deadly or much difficult to cure.

Though TV and life expectancy are not linked to each other, there are reasons for saying that getting rid of TV will possibly help you live longer. One of the biggest reason is that TV makes you lazy and sitting in front of a TV for a long time will increase your weight that gives birth to other serious issues. Or if you want to watch TV, just reduce the usage and you'll be fine.

There are many other methods to increase life expectancy like engaging yourself with the friends but more importantly, the positivity and peace of mind are the two biggest contributors to long life expectancy

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