Exotic Edged Sea Cave "GUA SARANG" Weh Island

The amazing blend of blue ocean with the cave on the hillside is the Sarang Cave, Weh Island.

Sunlight was comfortable when we were there. A gentle breeze filled the hills with trees

We had to descend the steep stairs about 200 meters down and this location started from the edge of the Sabang highway.

The entire spirit of adrenaline should be provided before you want a journey to enjoy the purpose of the Cave Sarang.

Knees and legs also waist should be really strong when here, do not lose power because the route to the cave is quite challenging.

The streets on this path are lined with boulders and too large.

Continue to the left side of the road, because the location of the cave is to the left of your standing location. We arrived safely and barely thought it was exhausting enough to travel.

Between intersections to locations, we photographed nature around each other. The ocean with the calm blue waves is very beautiful here. The coastline is completely pile of rocks naturally.

If you are lucky, prepare strong shoes and climb the cliffs at the cave location. Rock cliffs look good and not sharp.

Some places in the world are impossible to describe in its complete form. My friend and I can only conclude that this place is a hidden paradise here in Aceh Indonesia.

No more talk, let's see and enjoy this picture.

This way to exotic view, look more..

The view is amazing and nice.

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