Getting Comfortable and Hunkering Down

I'm writing this post from my phone, so please excuse my brevity and any typo's.

@caitycat and myself are on a mini road trip back to Kelowna BC where we're from. We're doing this, because I am starting to suspect this request to work remotely and self isolate is going to get more serious, and last quite a bit longer than anticipated.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit freaked out and concerned. i figure a good step #1 is packing up our important day-to-day stuff we need for fun and work, and go somewhere more comfortable.

So we're heading to her parents house where there's room for the dogs to run around outside, rather than 3x daily walks downtown Victoria, where shit is more likely to hit the fan.


I'm mostly writing this to capture my first new post on HIVE. Pretty smooth launch, all things considered I'd say!

Excited to see how it plays out, and for those of you that use my EXHAUST project, I'm going to try to port it over to HIVE this weekend when I get a chance to sit still again.

For now though, keep active if you can. I brought my bike and indoor trainer with me, so I'm planning to put some time in spinning!!

PS: @caitycat is helping me out with a new logo, which I think is fitting for a new blockchain. Stay tuned!

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