[23:50] I think now of the dream I had of the great luminous moth, descending to earth so
beautifully. Perhaps this was the one vast soul which came down, rather than many separate souls: one
entity which was segmented at impact, perhaps dispersing to take up eventual residence within many
human minds. Dispersing this way it lost contact with its own original identity and at that point lapsed
into forgetfulness (amnesia). From that moment on it has traveled, in luminous beauty but without
recognizing itself inwardly or outwardly, forward in time as a collective divided invisible presence. It
moves majestically but no longer conscious of itself or its origins, purpose here or goal; its primary
goal is to remember, to again be self-aware with all the ramifications implied (whence from, whither
going). It is a visitor here, and, in remembering, has begun the process by which it can return. How
can it return if it has forgotten that it ever existed anywhere but here? It keeps reincarnating in linear
time, drawn back by its desire to perpetuate itself here. It imagines itself to be human, a human (many
“a” humans). I think maybe all of the segmented parts must remember and hence rejoin, and will
ascend as it descended: a unity, intact, again totally aware of itself and its home. It has been many
people at many times. But it is and must be a unity to exist properly. Perhaps as portions remember
they inform, adventitiously, remaining still forgetful parts, summoning them one by one to their
original state. What will be the effect in this world as the portions awaken and remember? Awakened,
they are aware of St. Sophia’s approaching incarnation; they are heralds for it, preparing the way
while still here: edifying the world with their light.

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