Updates on Exchanges and obvious tips

New highs in exchanges with a ^vix recently hitting an all time low of 8.84 recently. That simply means the next correction will be much harsh than last decade's two corrections. However, as I've said both go up then diverge. But with the still dead fixed income channel, gold and silver stuck, bitcoin at all time highs even after the recent hard fork, equities are best game in town.

Also I was wrong on one accord years ago. Most people hitting 70.5 (baby boomers) are not necessarily cashing out of their Roths but just rolling that money back into the exchanges. However, 401K's and of course traditional accounts are being liquidated slowly. So not much of a dent in exchanges as I had expected.
Plus "sleep me shares" of mine as URE doing a 2 for 1, a very small holding in all accounts involved in digital currency and blockchain technology paying a divy. in crypto currency, and the fact I'm only watching a holding (followed for years) stay flat during this tremendous move in exchanges; I can't complain.
I'm not buying shit, and I've made my profits and retired allotments of "sleep me shares" in various equities other than BABA and BABB, both long term plays and only purchases since around China meltdown in August 2015. That's it 2 active holdings, 1 watching, and no buying.

If you haven't taken profits in your equity/fund holdings since like 2013 (after discount Flash Crash of May 2010 especially), you're crazy. I'm not saying take cash out (penalties, where else to put it?, etc.) but just have some dry powder for next big correction and leave yourself a 10 to 20% "sleep me" holding in equity or fund : X.

Also how much debt do you have such as credit cards, HELOC, etc. since 2003? During the Greenspan put followed by Bernake, and now Yellen puts, paying off debt instead of throwing money into funds or Scottrade (if you have the money!) isn't a bad idea. Yellen has done marginal rate increases, and perhaps more may come. So paying off 3% or 10% on a HELOC or credit card balance is better than dead fixed income (like c.d. - don't even look) or a solid equity paying 4% divy. yield.

Last are hard assets. So housing prices are over valued yet again, there is a brick and mortar commercial real estate bubble, and property taxes and insurance costs on your brick and mortar homes and business will continue to rise. So many people are again (2004-2006) asking me if they should go ahead and sell their home (even if they have no reason why such as crime) to buy another home - already overvalued! Long story short - reduction of Bush tax cuts (then knowing what would happen in 2010) caused me to sell a DUK DRIP and other holdings in 2011 through 2012. I put that money into nice hard assets. Many hard assets that would double such as certain jewelry, fine furniture, even rifles or safes have doubled in value or increased in purchasing costs marginally or significantly since that time. The best thing regarding hard assets, regardless of the home you live in, or your next place of residence, you can take your hard assets along.

Have a good week - LOTN

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