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The exam period can be very stressful not just for your child, but for you as well! Discover these 4 tips to reduce the stress that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine to stay zen.

Tip: 1 Keep Breathing!
The first remedy for stress and tension that you do not necessarily think ... is just to keep breathing! When you feel that you are building stress, go to bed just before bedtime or just before the exam and do some breathing exercises. That is a quick way to reduce stress and relax!

Tip 2: Good Preparation
The best tip against stress that you can give your child for a test or an exam is, of course, a thorough preparation and support with the homework, preferably throughout the school year. Reassure your child there is no alarm as he works sufficiently and prepares for the exam!

Remember, good preparation for an exam is not just a matter of good revision alone, so him some assurances that will make him feel relax. A trendy haircut also works wonders. Moreover, the visit to the hairdresser is a moment of relaxation and an excellent tool against stress and tensions for an exam.

Tip 3: Pause Regularly
When revising the lessons, it is important to regularly take a break with a small distraction to make the atmosphere less tense. Make your child's favorite dessert, or why not these mini chocolate muffins with raspberries, and enjoy it together when it's time for the snack. After all, is not chocolate the most natural anti-stress agent that exists.

Tip 4: Go Out With The Whole Family
Just go outside, walk a quarter of an hour in the neighborhood, that's enough to come up with other ideas. It has been proven that walking helps to deal with stress and anxiety, to reduce tension in the muscles and high blood pressure, to boost endorphin levels and much more. Go out with the whole family. Not only is it ideal for dealing with stress well, but the time you spend with your family also gives your child the support and motivation it needs.

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