Laughter, It Does the Body Good! It's National SCUD Day!

What is SCUD Day? describes it this way -

SCUD Day stands for Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day, and encourages those of us whose lives might have a touch too much drama to step back, relax, and enjoy the funnier side of life. Relaxation and humour are good for your physical and mental wellbeing, so turn the drama down a notch and enjoy a good laugh instead.

Celebrating SCUD Day!

How much drama do you deal with day-to-day? Sometimes it seems like there's no escaping it! There are some people who seem to thrive on drama. But most of us could use a break! There's no right or wrong way to celebrate Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama day. I've got some ideas about how I would like to celebrate! And all of them include laughter.

Laughter, it does the body good!

There's been research done on laughter and it looks like it might be good for us! Laughing can be good for your immune system, blood sugar, and blood pressure. It can decrease pain and help you to relax more and sleep better. And laughing burns 50 calories an hour!

How I'm Going To Celebrate

Movies, comedians and comics will keep me laughing today!

Where Do I Find Comedy?

Movies - Adam Sandler movies are always on the funny menu. The Water Boy and Happy Gilmore are a couple of my go-to's. If you like "stupid-funny" Neplion Dynamite is as funny as it gets. Reaching back a little, Over Board has been a favorite since I was a kid. Reach back a little further and The Jerk always makes me laugh out loud!


Comedians - Tim Hawkins is my favorite. Later this summer he's going to be doing a show about 45 minutes from where I live. My brother, sister-in-law, my mother and I are all planning to go. I can't wait!
Time Hawkins does a clean, funny show. Song parodies, bits about life we can all relate to and jokes about homeschool families. I was homeschooled, so those jokes really tickle my funnybone!
Brian Regan is impossibly funny. Always clean, he jokes about himself and his own life which seems to be a never ending joke! You have to check him out if you haven't before!

Comics - It is Savor the Comic Day! So we've got to talk about comics! When I think of comic strips, I think about the Sunday paper at my Gram's house. Calvin and Hobbes, Family Circus and Hagar the Horrible. Calvin and Hobbes was my favorite.

Let's ALL Celebrate!

Some drama is unavoidable, I know. But just for today, let's put it away and laugh! Drama causes too much stress, let go and let's all laugh it off! Maybe we can carry it into our weeks!

What are your favorite LOL movies?

Are you going to celebrate Savor the Comic - Unplug the Drama day??

Be sure to check out my 10 Truths and a Lie post for your chance to win an Sbd worth of @dustsweeper services!

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