Announcing the Q3 buy-back | 30 September 2018 | GET Protocol

With the first Ethereum main-net sale on the 22nd of September the first
buy-back of GET from the open market is upon us. This is necessary as in order
to fuel the blockchain-registered smart tickets, event organizers like Carre
need GET. This blog will specify the details on the buy-back and its scheduling.

The buy-back auction should not be confused with the main-net launch on Saturday
22 September.

The GET that will be bought back during the buy-back on September 30th, will be
used to fuel the tickets of the 36 theatre shows going on sale on the 22nd.

GET Protocol event cycle buy-backs always occur after a ticket sale is

At the current market price of ETH (€177/ETH) the starting swap tranche of the
reverse Dutch auction of the buy-back will be at 0.002824 ETH/GET.

For a more high-level view on how the buy-back method works token-economically
in the GET Protocol check out this blog.

The Q3 buy-back summarized:

Announcement table displaying the GET required from the open market to fuel event-cycles of clients of GUTS Tickets NL in Q3 of 2018. The EUR amount displayed in this table will be converted into ETH in the days leading up to the buy-back and will be used to extract GET from the open markets circulating supply by means of an auction.

Key conclusions:

  • On 30 September(at 12:00 +2 GMT). In universal epoch time: 1538308800000 the buy-back method will start accepting GET swaps for the base swap tranche. In order to find the accurate market price per GET the auction will increase the swap-rate/price in steps after the auction has started. The increasing swap-rate will continue until the demand of the buy-back is filled (so until all the ETH in the buy-back is swapped for GET). Read more about the process and logic behind it in the blog linked below:

  • Details on the ETH/GET swap rates (or the price schedule) will be made public on Friday the 28th of September.

  • The tranche address, the Ethereum address participants have to send GET to in order to bid in the reverse Dutch auction. Will be made public on the 28th of September on the website.

  • In total €30 600 worth of Ether will be swapped for GET. At current ETH prices, this would be equivalent to 172 ETH worth of GET that will be acquired from the open market starting from September 30th until the demand is filled by the open
    market. The amount of GET that will be bought is decided by the open market participants by means of the reverse Dutch auction price discovery.

  • How much GET is going to be required per smart ticket depends on the average ETH/GET as is discovered during the auction.

  • Participating in the GET Protocol buy-back auction is completely at the participants own risk! Only trust information given in official GET Protocol channels, such as the website and blog. Always double check the tranche address! Make sure you fully understand the terms and rules of the auction BEFORE you participate.

  • Participating is final, after sending GET to the tranche address you cannot cancel or make ‘changes’ the GET transfer.

Review the blogs going into depth on the buy-back method if you want to know more :
1,2 and 3.

Check out our new website! Our download the GUTS Tickets app on IOS or Android.

More about the GET Protocol

Any questions or want to know more about what we do? Join our active Telegram community for any questions you might have, read our whitepaper, visit the website, join the discussion on the GET Protocol Reddit. Or get yourself a smart event ticket in our sandbox environment. Download the GUTS Tickets app on IOS or Android.

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