Religion And Evolution

While I personally believe in evolution, and I think it's a very well supported theory, i have no religious attatchment to it, and there are a great many mysteries to solve - there are many gaps in the fossil record and while its easy to see how a crocodile might evolve into a cayman its a little harder to imagine how a creature might evolve to breathe on land, and we certainly don't understand the process fully. Abiogenesis is more mysterious still.
I would personally say one should apply logic as frequently as possible, but definitionally, faith won't have a step by step logical route to god, or else it wouldn't be faith. If god visited you and proved he existed, you praying to him isn't faith, its just that you know he exists - faith requires, well, a leap of faith.
The question of the morality of god in a world with suffering is not an easy one, and philosophers have pondered it for milleniar.
While I personally don't believe in god, i die inside when i see fellow atheists and agnostics tearing at the nature of faith by demanding it fit logic.

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