An Open Letter to EU

Dear EU,

Two months ago, your parliament passed two resolutions meant to interfere in the internal affairs of our country, the Philippines.

You called for an investigation into the alleged unlawful killings and other violations by the Philippines in the context of our President’s war on drugs.

You also called for the immediate release of Senator Leila De Lima who has been jailed on charges that violate Philippine laws.

In both instances, you had no solid proof of your accusations other than what has been provided you by the biased Western news media and the critics of Rodrigo Duterte who are out to preserve their oligarchic power in our country.

You threatened to cut off developmental aid to the Philippines and even suggested trade sanctions if we didn’t cave in to your misinformed and misdirected demands.

Now, the tables have been turned.

The Philippines has decided to cut off development aid FROM EU.

It is not that we are an ungrateful bunch of independence-loving people. We just can’t let anyone bully us around when all we wanted was to chart our own future, and yes, suffer any consequences.

Some critics accuse us of being ungrateful for the aid we received from EU during natural calamities that devastated our country and people.

But you know what? Do you even know that the previous administration cannot even fully account for that aid, and that this kind of corruption is one of the major things we and our president are fighting against?

So, go ahead and keep your money. There are many other countries in our region that are more than happy to fill in any gap that may result from this loss in EU aid.

You can’t buy our independence. We’ve been working for it for many generations.


Politikal Pinoy

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