A Broken EU - Why are our "leaders" not leading?


The EU is broken.

Okay, let me start with one statement first; I'm a firm believer in a European (Economic) Community. The way the EEC was originally formed, with focus on working together to improve all economies part of the EEC.
I do NOT believe in what the EEC has become, the EU. With too many layers, costs and ego's ruling most countries.

The EU is an institution that is costing us loads of money, takes away rights of the individual people or countries and has no real benefits, when you compare it to the EEC.
They will claim because of the EU we have had no wars in Europe since WWII, but that is not true. It was because of the EEC that we have had no wars.
The EU will try to assimilate everyone to adhere to one set of rules. Being Dutch, I have a different way of living and different views than a German, Frenchman or Spaniard. Hell, I'm from Rotterdam, I don't even see eye to eye with someone from Amsterdam ;-)

Rules and regulations are imposed from Brussels (or Strassbourg, which is the biggest travesty still), and local governments and laws have to bow down to them.
Not only do we get rules imposed upon us, the EU also has a tendency to add countries even though any sane person knows these countries are not ready and probably never will. Or they open the borders with treaties no-one really wants.

Our so-called leaders blatantly ignore the wishes of the people and for some reason the people decided to re-elect these same men and women?

In the Netherlands we had a few instances of our "leaders" very publicly ignoring the people; in 2005 a referendum regarding the treaty for the constitution of the EU, where 61,5% of the voters were against this treaty. After some minore adjustments to the treaty, it was pushed through, disregarding the resounding NO the Dutch people shouted.
Another, more recent, referendum, about a treaty with the Ukraine, also got a resounding NO. And again, after a long time, the Dutch government decided to accept the treaty, BUT they added a useless addendum to the treaty which the Ukraine did not even need to agree upon.
In Germany the government decided to open the borders to all refugees, despite the protests of the people.
The EU itself had no adequate response to the "refugee" problem.

And now we see the G20 taking place, talking about more globalization, giving away more of our freedom to companies and institutions.

Although I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump, I see him as the only one still able to slow down these changes being forced upon the people.

I call upon all leaders in Europe to finally get their heads out of their asses.

  • Stop expanding the power of the EU, start making your own decisions.
  • Have a normal conversation with Britain about the Brexit, stop acting all tough and making the situation worse.
  • Start conversations with Russia at a normal level.
  • Shutdown Strassbourg, this traveling circus is only for the French.
  • Do something about the exorbitant pay in wages and "travel expenses"
  • Check every law/rule with the laws/rules in your own country. If they don't match, con't accept them. If you feel you have to accept them, then go through the normal process in your country to change your own law/rule.
  • Give the EU a fixed budget and make them work with that. Stop increasing constantly when asked.
  • There should be a law that government officials, especially ministers, working in a country cannot switch to working for the EU or any of the lobby groups.

If we do not stand up and make it very clear to our leaders that we do not accept this any more and force them to act according to our will, I fear in a few years time we will see a situation where a civil revolt can very well begin.

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