Manners in the modern world

We know it’s not nice to talk while we’re chewing, to listen to music without headphones on the bus or to throw litter on the ground.

Many of us have learned these elementary rules of politeness when we were kids. But do you know when and where it’s ok to vape and when it’s not polite? Or when you can talk on the phone without being considered rude? Clearly, the code of good manners needs an update to cover the needs of this modern world.


What we call “good manners” is actually a convention. But that doesn’t make them unimportant. They exist because humans are social creatures, so their goal is to make our lives easier.

Good manners have an essential role in one’s life, because they reduce tension between people and stress, they diminish conflicts, they make cooperation easier.

But these rules weren’t always the same, they evolved and adapted to the world. Today we’re in a faze in which the fast technological progress brings new needs that should be incorporated in the good manners code. Here are a few recommendations regarding manners in the modern world.

Our phones have become mandatory objects in our lives, being with us when we’re at work, on the street, at school, basically everywhere because you have to be active on Steemit, right?

There are a few rules that we all know, like not using your phone during a meal, at a job interview or at the cinema. But there are a few situations in which you might not know that it’s not recommended to use it.

For example, it’s rude to give too much attention to your phone when you’re talking to someone, so not only it’s not nice to use it when you’re with a friend, but also when you’re talking to a cashier, for example.

If you are a smoker and you have an electronic cigarette, you should never vape in public spaces at work. It will create the impression that you’re not concentrating at your job, and is also rude for your colleagues, especially if their non-smokers.

Another very discussed problem is how we use our seats in a plane. People are wondering if it’s not polite to tilt your seat back while on the plane. This habit led to some serious conflicts between passengers over time.

Clearly, it’s selfish to suddenly tilt your seat back, risking to hit the person behind you. Also, it’s not polite to hit the front seat with your knees, you’re not the only person on that plane.

However, there is an exception to this rule. If you’re on a night-time flights, it’s okay to politely announce the person behind you first, and then tilt you seat back, after the lights are off.

Have you ever mistakenly did something wrong?


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