The EtherStocks Risk Free Guarantee!

EtherStocks Guarantee

I had to make this post short and sweet, because I wanted to get the word out to you as fast as possible. I didn't have internet for a bit so it was hard for me to keep in close contact with the EtherStocks project. In that time, the Dev announced a Guarantee! I got him to extend the deadline another 12hrs. So you have 12hrs from the time of this post to start playing EtherStocks risk free. Any deposit made within 12hrs in Wampum will be worth as much or more in one weeks time. Therefore if someone makes a deposit, for .5 eth and next week they are still holding the shares but the value is .42, we will personally pay them that difference of .08 directly to their acct.
The max we will pay any one individual address is .1eth, and the total we will pay is 1 eth, and it will be on a first come first serve basis.
There will be one more featured stock announcement before launch and we will do another Guarantee or Giveaway so Stay Tuned!

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