The Shape of Peace

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are the rights of all humanity. These principles, in their purest form, are the medium of unimaginable potential. This potential isn’t fostered in corporations and can’t be quantified or valued by shareholders. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are the foundation of inspiration. Inspiration is the fire of hope. Hope is the furnace for dreams. Dreams are the catalyst of Peace and Abundance. These virtues are the root of social change - and it is through these virtues that we can galvanize radical collaboration. Let us show each other what radical collaboration looks like at the Universal level.

I would like to reiterate the intention of Love before proceeding. Love begets Life, Life begets Love. There is no fear in Love. Love is felt at the individual level and love is shared at the community level - because it is shared, Love can be observed as the Gift. It is in the name of Love that we dare to dream. It is in the name of Love that we often sacrifice our relationships and hurt those who Love us. We know we do not do this intentionally, but it continues to happen. Gifts do not come without sacrifice. Some of us sacrifice our desires and some of us have unintentionally sacrificed our loved ones. I don’t believe sacrifice has to come with negative externalities - I believe this to be the intention behind Mindfulness and Abundance. When we choose to Love ourselves, we can choose to forgive ourselves and others. When we choose to forgive ourselves, we make a choice to accept and to change. Through change, we mature, through maturing - we evolve. Failure, acceptance, and compassion are evolutionary functions that allow the conscious and loving Spirit to embrace and adapt to change. When we learn to consciously accept and Love ourselves, we become more abundant in the release of Love to others. It is at this point when Love becomes Abundant - a cup overflowing. This is the Heart of the Gift. In the name of Love, through Harmony, we imagine the best version of ourselves and our community - and dream of a future of empowerment and abundance. A future of restoration, a future of humility, a future of family. A future of greatness. We do not realize how great we can become, when the seed of that greatness is humility. 

In humility, all things are equal, in equality exists power. Equality in concert is fusion. The concerted efforts that brought us the beauty of the monasteries, the elegance of the cathedrals, the breathlessness found in Taj Mahal. We’ve let ourselves become disconnected from our Source. We’ve turned toward science to find value and forgotten that the root of our power comes from within the collective Self, not from machines or businesses. It is only when we find equality that we will feel comfort in expression and building shared desires. These shared desires have brought us the untold and breathtaking Wonders of the World. And yet today, we struggle. We struggle, despite our glorious and wonderful technology that seems to further tear into the soul of own meaning. This relatively useless technology that works to further fear, disinformation, and echo chambers. Driven by closed companies that sell our data to each other for further control - so we can buy yet another product or service in what we consider an otherwise acceptable reality. I twitch at this notion. My heart cries in cavity of my chest. I can’t breathe. A tear begins to emerge when I read that we are already considering the mechanics and economics of colonizing Mars when we have thousands of children within our own borders suffering from malnutrition - or when I consider the tens of thousands who are neglected on the streets, nursing their back-alley addiction at the hands of a wanton industry. 

What is this is the hell that we have created and continue to endure and accept in groaning strides? What is this that I witness when I walk through the streets of LA and see the innumerable homeless? It is in the pit where you witness the cold stark contrast of reality. Some of these individuals who, despite their misfortunes, see the brightness of the day and the Mercy found in Nature. The Mercy of Beauty, and the Brotherhood of Companionship. The Brotherhood of Nature, by Element and Law. A Nature starkly different than our laws that divide - these laws heard at the bottom when you listen to them sneer as you begrudgingly ask for a dollar to catch a ride back to a place you’re ashamed to call home. Little do they know they accept this mess unnecessarily - leaving just a fraction of their energy for the bottom, where they say there is no measurable value add. But where is the bottom? Is the bottom found in some distant land, where a Mother cries in the search of her lost Child, as the bombs of Our horror continue to fall? Is the bottom at the motel near Skid Row? Where needles lie, as a man chases some fragrance of Bliss after condemning himself to at least a somewhat silent death? Is this the bottom of this Nation? This Nation built on Hope, Truth, and Liberty? It is at the bottom where Nature shows Mercy. The chemical Love of endorphins that seep slowly into the grey mass as his consciousness fades gently away into the lost souls of the forgotten. This is the nature of the system we have created - and yet I can’t ignore the Beauty in Nature seen in Her Kindness. The System of Endless Self-Sacrifice to the animals who call themselves Man. The humanity that pursues Knowledge at the cost of Wisdom - who stand by to watch the death of race and planet. But Knowledge without Wisdom is hopeless vanity - thus says the man of Sophia. Our desire for more things and more knowledge has become our king. We create and horde our intellectual property on the basis of profit, as if ideas were unique - when true profit is only found in generosity. One should not only love themselves, but their enemies as well. In loving our enemy we see a reflection of the Self through empathy. The same empathy we fail to show for our shared planet, as She lays, stirring. The slow, silent death We witness as she writhes for the same Mercy evident in the rainfall. The rain that falls on the many without shelter.

 Technology will not cure an epidemic, computers will not ease the pain of disease. Mathematicians can’t quantify the pain of thousands crying for help. But the Heart has value, the Spirit of the Heart gives at the the cost of itself. The sheer Beauty of the Spirit and Mind are endless whispers. The intricate design of the alchemical mind cries that the conscious Spirit is above the basic human concept of value. These twisted concepts of the Mind that say that education, merit, or even class dictate value. This Mind is in chaos. But chaos isn’t random - we forget that chaos is merely the state of confusion, of abstraction. The mind of the Child is Enlightened form. Once pain, fear, and notions of self have been addressed - the mind unwinds - the conscious perception of chaos in the realization that We are nothing more than endless repetitions of a familiar Body with a common Mind. The Social body who takes form in History and Legend through the imaginations of the boundless Thoughts. These repetitions of Myth and Lore, this endless dance of the sun and the moon, the Father and the Daughter at the Wedding Dance. Moving gracefully, as he twirled her, catching a glimpse of red and blue. The Bride forever dancing above the Mother’s gardens. These lush and wild gardens. Where we dance with the Spirit of Nature, and flirt with Her disaster. We are the Groom and the Body. The Collective Self is still, but a Body divided against itself wills not to dance. This body, erect, stands in disunity within Love and Compassion - of Mercy and Justice. These are the Virtues of Nature, the Nature found in the exploration of the Natural Universe. This pervasive Nature that seems to evade yet continuously whisper. The soft whisper found in the fragrance of spring or the color of a flower. The whisper of the icy winter sting and a warm ocean sunset. The whisper of “I love you” from the daughter to the father as he tucks her in that night - festering the pain he feels in his chest when he knows that this age may soon pass. That twinkle of innocence would not last forever - he wish he could be there more often. He looked at her gentle face and held her hand and kept an eye on her pulse. They said she had 10 more months, but He could feel Her Spirit passing. The Spirit of Nature, the Earth, the Mother of Life. The delivery mechanism for the star-matter that courses through those veins. Those veins of iron that bulged the day he forgot himself, consciousness having fled, the prix fixe of Her embraces ushering about in silence. 

Let us no longer find fear in death, but find fear in the potential of a wasted Human life. This power to overcome fear is only found in Love. Love is manifest and strengthened in families, tribes, cultures, and belief systems and is shared between Nations. This Harmony of Nature is self-evident when looking at the intricacies between natural systems. Harmony requires Openness, Peace requires Harmony. Yet, today, we’re still trying to build new technology which could even further exclude. It is only the in the continuance of exclusionary practice that I have any fear, for there is no fear in Love. Love is the action that brings beauty. Love is measurable within a community. Social love is moving to an equal state - for what Soul can say that they are above another? 

The Commons are particle accelerators, creating social fusion and economic spaces. You are the particle of light, your many colors are your types of capital. The more you choose to share, the more beauty is created. This requires an understanding of self-sacrifice. In self-sacrifice there is reward to be found, as self-sacrifice is the act of putting others before self. The joy received from the smile of others has no price tag. The warmth of a summer's breeze and the beauty of a coastal sunset are nobody’s to claim. Value exists to be measured, not the other way around. The imagination and creativity found in Peace is beyond the power of prediction. 

At the end of the day, all we done in the name of Love. Love for the strangers and the enemies, the brothers and sisters, the daughters and sons, the parents and grandparents - and everyone in between. Finding Harmony will be easier when everyone, beyond imaginary borders, can share their value and truth in an open system. We might even find that getting along is easier once we can share our dreams.

Let’s predict Peace.

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